We have collected the most relevant information on Pmt Audio Stream Type. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
3.0 Transport Stream Signaling - Apple Developer
MPEG2StreamType enumeration | Microsoft Docs
Specifies the MPEG2 stream type. The values in this enumeration correspond to the value of the stream_type field in the program map table (PMT). The list is not exhaustive; other values may be possible. Syntax
3.0 Transport Stream Signaling - Apple Developer
The stream_type value in the PMT must be set to 0xdb. In the descriptor loop following the ES_info_length field, a private data indicator descriptor must be added with its big-endian private_data_indicator value set to 'zavc'. AAC Audio. The stream_type value in …
TSDuck: ts::PMT::Stream Struct Reference
Check if an elementary stream carries audio. Does not just look at the stream type. Also analyzes the descriptor list for additional information. Parameters [in] duck: TSDuck execution context. Returns True if the elementary stream carries audio. ... PMT::Stream::getComponentTag
Program-specific information - Wikipedia
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