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Polk Audio SurroundBar 50 review: Polk Audio ... - CNET
Polk has since followed up that unit with two more SurroundBar offerings: the SurroundBar 360 DVD Theater (due later in 2008) and the subject of this review, the SurroundBar 50. The latter speaker ...
Polk Audio SurroundBar review: Polk Audio SurroundBar - …
The Polk Audio SurroundBar uses seven 3.5-inch woofers and three 0.75-inch tweeters. The surround effect is generated by Polk's proprietary SDA (Stereo Dimensional Array) technology, first used in ...
Polk SurroundBar 50 Sound Bar Reviewed - HomeTheaterReview
The longest soundbar in the Polk Audio product line up, this product is designed to match more with HDTVs in the 50 inch category. The SurroundBar 50 uses Polk's Stereo Dimension Array Technology ...
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