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Yom Haatzmaut: A Prayer for the State? « mp3 Audio « Ohr ...
Home Explore Judaism Study In Israel Audio Ohr Somayach International is a 501c3 not-for-profit corporation ( letter on file ) EIN 13-3503155 and your donation is tax deductable.
Prayer for the State of Israel - Temple Beth Am of ...
'התפילה לשלום המדינה' - The Prayer for the State of Israel ...
לרישום לערוץ הרשמי של החזן הראשי לצה"ל: http://www.youtube.com/idfchiefcantorלדף הרשמי בפייסבוק: http://www.facebook ...
Prayer for the State of Israel and her inhabitants ...
This prayer is an expression of my support of Israel, both the state and the nation. The original version I posted in Tammuz 5774 cut off the audio at the en...
Prayer for the State of Israel — The Israel Religious ...
אלי. In this sacred moment, give us hope for Israel and her future. Renew our wonder at the miracle of the Jewish State. In the name of the pioneers who made the deserts bloom - give us the tools to cultivate a diversity of Jewish expression in Israel. In the name of our fallen soldiers - give us courage to stand up to the words and ways of the zealots.
The Lord's (New Exodus) Prayer - Part 1 | Audio Length: 33:42
Israel's Exodus from Egypt formed the prototype for how God s rescues his people. In Jesus' last days, he teaches his disciples a prayer that urges God to bring a New Exodus, a bigger rescue from the deeper powers of sin and death.Today we dive into the first half of the Lord's prayer and show how e. Snippets are a new way to share audio!
Prayer for the State of Israel
The following prayer is often recited for the State of Israel during Yom Ha’atzma’ut (Israel Independence Day): Our Father in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of the people Israel; Bless the State of Israel with the beginning of the blossoming our redemption. Shield it with Your love; spread over it the shelter of Your peace.
Jewish Prayers: Prayer for the State of Israel
Jewish Prayers: Prayer for the State of Israel. Our Father in Heaven, Rock and Redeemer of Israel, bless the State of Israel, the first manifestation of the approach of our redemption. Shield it with Your lovingkindness, envelop it in Your peace, and bestow Your light and truth upon its leaders, ministers, and advisors, and grace them with Your good counsel.
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Now that you know Prayer For The State Of Israel Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.