We have collected the most relevant information on Presence Audio London Tonearm. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Presence Audio London Tonearm (£2495) | Hi-Fi News
Ken Kessler & Paul Miller | Jun 4, 2009. In spite of its lack of finish, this parallel tracker's performance surprises Ken Kessler. For those who use SME arms as the yardstick for all others, the mere presence – no pun intended – of Presence Audio’s London tonearm will come as a slap in the face. No, make that a bucket of foetid, lukewarm water poured over one’s post …
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Presence Audio The Bays Church Road North Mundham Chichester West Sussex PO20 1JG Phone: +44 (0)1243 699812 Email Contact Details: presenceaudio1@talktalk.net
london reference - Positive Feedback
It has even outlived its name as "Decca" was sold years ago to Tatung and its unique cartridge designs were sold to John Wright to produce cartridges under the London name. Presence Audio, the London world-wide distributor, is run by the brilliant and mild mannered engineer, Brian Smith. The London Reference is no 90% cartridge.
Turntables, Arms & Cartridges | Page 10 | Hi-Fi News
Presence Audio London Tonearm (£2495) Ken Kessler & Paul Miller | Jun 04, 2009 For those who use SME arms as the yardstick for all others, the mere presence – no pun intended – of Presence Audio’s London tonearm will come as a slap in the face.
Presence Audio London Decca Cartridges? | Steve Hoffman ...
Presence Audio London Decca Cartridges? Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by dgsinner, Mar 28, 2009. ... The London cartridges can sound great....on the right system. It is very sensitive to tonearm mass and design (unipivot highly recommended). I was considering one a while ago, but was told by the builder that my system was not a good ...
LONDON DECCA cartridge - D a r k L a n t e r n | DIY audio ...
The London Decca now sounds more like a ‘normal’ cartridge, but the extraordinarily ‘solid’, ‘human’ and ‘real’ vocal imaging and tone is still there and everything still has the ‘power’, energy and ‘presence’ (that I’ve not experienced with other cartridges) – but without the previous feeling of ‘nervousness’.
Decca London International Tonearm Reviews - The Vinyl Engine
The SP10/London sounds like vinyl is supposed to sound, warm and involving with tremendous presence. Harmonies are just lovely, textured and rich with great depth. One link online I found was from a gentleman who had rewired his Decca London and referred to it afterwards as "the most musical tonearm in the world" and that he had been surprised at how good all the …
LP Gear: London (Decca) cartridges
In 1989 Decca's owners, Racal, decided to close Decca Radio & TV and its Special Products (hi-fi) division. They granted a licence to continue manufacturing the products under the London brand name (the Decca name was sold to Tatung) to Decca engineer John Wright and worldwide distribution and repair co-ordination to Brian Smith of Presence Audio.
London Reference Phono Cartridge - The Absolute Sound
London Reference Phono Cartridge. REVIEW. by Jonathan Valin. Nov 09th, 2008. A. A. A. The london (formerly “Decca” or “Decca London”) cartridge has the longest and most distinguished pedigree of any piece of phonographic gear currently on the market. It has been around in one form or another since before the stereo era—the result of some extraordinarily ingenious and …
Click here for London Decca Cartridges
In 1989 Decca's owners, Racal, decided to close Decca Radio & TV and its Special Products (hi-fi) division. They granted a licence to continue manufacturing the products under the London brand name (the Decca name was sold to Tatung) to Decca engineer John Wright and worldwide distribution and repair co-ordination to Brian Smith of Presence Audio.
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