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PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC Review ...
The PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC lets me hear more into my music and has me enjoying and exploring all different genres. Even my CD collection sounds refreshed. With the promise of more free firmware updates in the future, I feel confident that those who own PS Audio’s PerfectWave DirectStream DAC will be glad they invested in it.
Review: PS Audio PerfectWave SACD Transport (PST) - The ...
Ken Redmond 4 Comments. Full-front view of the PS Audio PerfectWave SACD. PS Audio has released a new CD/SACD transport, the PS Audio PerfectWave SACD Transport that they designed from the ground up. The bottom line for the designs of the circuits in this transport is to eliminate noise, jitter and ground issues that could mask musical information. As soon as …
PS Audio PerfectWave DAC MKII review (Part 1) | Darko.Audio
Purists might wince but pegging the Audion at around two-thirds of its maximum kept my PWDs above 50 on the PS Audio’s volume bar, thus ensuring no bit-stripping on Redbook content. However, the majority of my listening took place with integrated amplifiers (Sansui AU-719, Trafomatic Premise, NAD 3020, Red Wine Audio Signature 15) with which the …
Review: PS Audio PerfectWave SACD Transport: A Different ...
The PS Audio PerfectWave SACD transport is as good a music source as I’ve heard in barn. If you have a collection of shiny discs, and especially a growing collection, and a DAC you love, the PerfectWave will get your music from point A (the CD or SACD) to point B (inside your head) without as much as laying a sonic hand on it. Bravo!
PS Audio PerfectWave AC3 & AC5 Power Cable Review ...
Comparing the AC5 to a standard supplied power cable, or even the AC3 from PS Audio, the difference is night and day. It brings a clarity and solidness to the music, increasing the energy of large dynamic shifts in music and it does a very good job is clearing up the midrange to make smaller, mirco dynamics shifts more audible.  Think of the guitar pluck that gets slightly …
PS Audio PerfectWave Disc Transport - HomeTheaterHifi.com
PS Audio’s Perfect Wave Transport is a CD/DVD transport for the 21st century. Capable of delivering stellar sound from both redbook and hi-res encoded mediums, and equipped with an internet-augmented display, it’s the finest transport I’ve ever heard in my reference system. And it is in my system. I bought the review sample.
PS Audio PerfectWave DAC MKII Review - Reviews ...
The PS Audio PerfectWave DAC MKII is much better than the additional Roman numeral that differentiates it from the MKI would make it appear. The upgrade from MKI to MKII is a major step forward for PS Audio. Inclusion of a new digital input board, asynchronous USB to 24/192, and the Digital Lens have truly elevated this DAC.
PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC - The Absolute …
In other words, PS Audio has bent over backwards to protect the investment its customers have made in other PS Audio equipment. Like the PerfectWave DAC, the new DirectStream DAC provides a wide variety of digital inputs: SPDIF on coaxial RCA and TosLink inputs, USB, AES/EBU on an XLR connector, and two I2S inputs on HDMI connectors.
Review and Measurements of PS Audio PerfectWave ...
This is a review and detailed measurements of the PS Audio PerfectWave DirectStream DAC. It is on kind loan from a member. The unit that I have has the network "bridge" streaming option and costs US $6,899. Without that option it costs US $5,999. The DS DAC is quite heft with a textured matt finish:
6moons audio reviews: PS Audio DirectStream PerfectWave DAC
Paul McGowan, the leading man at PS Audio of Denver/Colorado, thinks of himself a bit like a rebel; a rebel with a cause that is. We learnt a bit more about his motivations and mind set in an interview we conducted with Paul at the eve of introducing their Network Bridge, an add-on to the PS Audio PerfectWave DAC or PWD for short. That was then or what would become the MK1.
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