We have collected the most relevant information on Pulseaudio Input Problem. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
PulseAudio - Debian Wiki
How to Fix pulseaudio issues in Linux - Appuals.com
You could hold down the Super or Windows key and push R to open up the run box and then type pulseaudio -D into it. Push the enter key or click the button to issue the command. Technically you could even use this box to kill an existing pulseaudio instance with pulseaudio -k, which is useful if you have no other reason to bring up a terminal. Some people actually write a …
Pulseaudio has no MIC input / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux ...
Re: Pulseaudio has no MIC input. They should be different devices. My thought was if you could get an external mic to work then you know it's something related to the internal one, drivers, modules or something, while if you can't then it is likely a configuration issue that is preventing all recording. Offline.
linux - Pulseaudio & Alsa "flicker" on external mic input ...
Here on a fresh install of eOS though, everytime there's input from the earphones' mic or button, pulse and alsa "flicker" (in pavucontrol, both input and output device fields flicker between external and built-in devices). There's also choppy sound coming from the speakers/earphones, as if pulseaudio is repeatedly restarted.
Pulseaudio problems : voidlinux
Pulseaudio problems. So I mainly use dwm and I get pulseaudio working there by having a line pulseaudio & in the autostart script. ... Audio and voice input work out of the box. Said voice input doesn't sound like it's "from WWII" (as one of my friends put it). Very nice looking neofetch.
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