We have collected the most relevant information on Pulseaudio Latency Measurement. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Working on a new network transport for PulseAudio and ALSA
sound - PulseAudio Loopback Latency - Ask Ubuntu
I am using pulseaudio loopback's to link together my system sounds and my microphone. The problem is that my system sounds have a delay of a second or even more sometimes. I have changed ticked simultaneous in paprefs but that has not fixed it. I am using this script to do so. STREAM_MODULE=$ (pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name ...
The PulseAudio Open Source Project on Open Hub
PulseAudio is a networked sound server. Features - Module autoloading - Support for more than one sink/source - Good low latency behaviour - Very accurate latency measurement for playback and recording. - Client side latency interpolation - Embedabble into other software (the core is available as C library)
PulseAudio/Examples - ArchWiki
Use latency_msec to tune the receiving buffer size on the remote end. If you find the audio is spotty, try increasing this number. ... as well as a shutdown script to kill PulseAudio and the Pulse Audio Device Chooser, ... This is a security measure which prevents other users from accessing potentially sensitive audio channels such as voice ...
linux - ALSA vs PulseAudio - Latency Concerns - Stack …
PulseAudio has the ability to keep only a part of the buffer filled. (This is not a feature offered directly by ALSA, but requires a separate timer to monitor the playback progress.) Thus it can offer lower latency than other applications using the same buffer size, but more importantly, this allows it to adjust the latency dynamically without having to stop and …
Modules – PulseAudio
CLI is where most controlling and configuring of PulseAudio will take place—including its modules. ... try to omit this module since it has many disadvantages including bad latency and even worse latency measurement. This module lacks the channel_map argument. server The server to connect to cookie The authentication cookie file to use.
Now you know Pulseaudio Latency Measurement
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