We have collected the most relevant information on Pulseaudio Problem Skype. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Configure Skype to use the PulseAudio ... - Silicon Gadget
"Loose contact" between Skype and PulseAudio: crackling ...
It's hard to tell without being a developer, of course, but I'm suspecting that the issue could lie somewhere between Skype and Pulse Audio, or Skype and ALSA. My Steps to Reproduce: 1. Run Skype Preview on Ubuntu. 2. Run Pavucontrol and select "Playback" tab. 3. Start a Skype call while monitoring Pavucontrol. Repro Rate: About 50%. Test System:
[SOLVED] Pulseaudio problem with Skype - CentOS
Hi there! I installed CentOS 6.2. Everythnig was OK but I found the problem with the sound. When I play some song and push Skype, the music stopped and Skype sound is very bad - login sound, call sound - everything. I cannot change "sound Device" - all is marked as "Pulseaudio server (local)" and cannot change it.
PulseAudio 4.0 and Skype – Arun Raghavan
Skype seemed to have some weird buggy math that only kicked in at low latencies (20-25ms or less) that caused the problem you saw. Setting PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC forces the requested latency (60 is pretty safe across most setups), making sure …
[SOLVED] Pulseaudio problem with Skype - Page 2 - CentOS
Re: Pulseaudio problem with Skype Post by icemans » Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:42 pm Yes I did it but didn't run "alsactl -restore" after reboot :) Now I …
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