We have collected the most relevant information on Pulseaudio Sample Formats. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
PulseAudio: Sample Format Specifications
PulseAudio: Sample Format Specifications
PulseAudio/Examples - ArchWiki
# Default default-sample-channels=2 # For 5.1 default-sample-channels=6 # For 7.1 default-sample-channels=8 If your channels are not correclty mapped or the volume controls for the individual channels do not work as expected in pavucontrol, and you have a HDMI and an analog soundcard, then try to add the following line to /etc/pulse/default.pa
PulseAudio - Official Kodi Wiki
default-sample-format = s24le default-sample-rate = 44100 alternate-sample-rate = 48000 ;new with pulseaudio 11 avoid-resampling = true resample-method = speex-float-5 Some remark: This will actively make passthrough non working, as we need s16le format for adding ac3 / dts / etc. to the sink.
Can't change Pulseaudio sample format : linuxaudio
Pulseaudio has a command line to change sink format using pactl set-sink-formats.I have doubt it really effective however but have you tried it ? From man pactl: set-sink-formats SINK FORMATS Set the supported formats of the specified sink (identified by its …
PulseAudio default sample format : linuxaudio
PulseAudio default sample format This has probably been asked a thousand times, so I apologize. In daemon.conf, does default-sample-format refer to the format that Pulseaudio outputs to the card, or the format it uses for internal processing?
Get pulseaudio current sample rate and bit rate - Ask …
Pulseaudio settings adhere to the sink they are made for. Hence we are able to read the values we gave with the following command: pacmd list-sinks This will give a rather lengthy list including the following information similar to this. sample spec: s16le …
How to get the best sound with and properly configure ...
The ALC889 can't have a default sample rate of 44100 if the sample format is higher than s16le (doing so will result in a huge cluster of issues). s16le and s32le appear to be the only sample formats that work. src-sinc-best-quality resampler appears to run into a CPU bottleneck and causes distortion so I changed it to the next best thing (src ...
PulseAudio - LinuxReviews
PulseAudio will up or down-mix the source audio to the set sample-rate and then up or down-mix to the sound cards highest supported sample-rate. This means that if you set default-sample-rate to 96000 and you play 44.1 kHz on a sound card with a 48 kHz limit the audio gets up-mixed to 96 kHz and then down-mixed to 48 kHz.
pulse-daemon.conf - man pages section 5: File Formats
rlimit-rttime Defaults to 1000000. DEFAULT DEVICE SETTINGS Most drivers try to open the audio device with these settings and then fall back to lower settings. The default settings are CD quality: 16bit native endian, 2 channels, 44100 Hz sampling. …
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