We have collected the most relevant information on Pulseaudio Set Volume. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How to control your Pulseaudio sound volume using the comman…
Set default pulseaudio volume - Ask Ubuntu
With PulseAudio 8.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 and a single sound card, you can set the default master volume to 50% with the following file. By including the system default you don't have to worry about changes in the distribution's defaults. $ cat ~/.config/pulse/default.pa .include /etc/pulse/default.pa # Set volume to 50% on boot set-sink-volume 0 32768
How to control your Pulseaudio sound volume using the ...
The pactl utility is used to control the sound volume of a Pulseaudio sink. List all sinks with this command. jason@jason-desktop:~$ pactl list sinks. jason@jason-desktop :~$ pactl list sinks. Then look through the list to see which is the device you wish to control, then use this command to increase the sound volume.
PulseAudio: Play samples at a set volume - Stack Overflow
The issue is that when the volume is very low or very high, the sound effects (button press bleeps, etc.) are also too weak or too loud. The Raspberry Pi uses PulseAudio (system daemon), and this is its PulseAudio set-up: I play the samples, using: This command can take an additional parameter, namely the PulseAudio sink on which to play.
PulseAudio: set the volume via command line
PulseAudio: set the volume via command line. This command sets the volume for the main PulseAudio "sink" (usually the ALSA output interface) to the maximum, 100% (the 0x10000 in the command). To set it to an arbitrary volume, replace 10000 with the volume you want times 100 (so 75% becomes 7500). This is sample output - yours may be different.
c - How to change the volume in PulseAudio (libpulse ...
v = PA_VOLUME_NORM; pa_cvolume_set (&m_lcvolume, 1, v); pa_stream_connect_playback (s, NULL, &attr, PA_STREAM_NOFLAGS, &m_lcvolume, NULL) with pacific volume but need to know how to change the volume after connecting to stream. Dont want to call pa_stream_connect_playback function again and again to change the volume. c …
Read out pulseaudio volume from commandline? (I want ...
SINK=$ (pacmd list-sinks|awk '/\* index:/ { print $3 }') || "@DEFAULT_SINK@" pactl set-sink-volume "$SINK" "$@" canberra-gtk-play -i audio-volume-change -d "$ (basename "$0")" . change-volume.sh +5%. Share. Improve this answer. Follow this answer to receive notifications.
PulseAudio/Examples - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
In Pulseaudio Volume Control (pavucontrol), under the "Playback" tab, change the output of an application to <name>, and in the recording tab change the input of an application to "Monitor of <name>". Audio will now be outputted from one application …
PulseAudio - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
Optional: If you use kmix you may want to control ALSA volume instead of PulseAudio volume: set KMIX_PULSEAUDIO_DISABLE=1 as an environment variable. Now, reboot your computer and try running ALSA and PulseAudio applications at the same time. They both should produce sound simultaneously. Use pavucontrol to control PulseAudio volume if needed. OSS
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