We have collected the most relevant information on Pulseaudio Very High Priority. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
pulseaudio - Do all apps start with a normal priority on ...
How can I change PulseAudio port priorities? - Ask Ubuntu
The priority of your choice should be higher than the other ports. If needed you need to reduce the priority of the other ports by editing other files in the same directory. However, modifying /etc/pulse/default.pa is preferred to preserve the settings across upgrades.
pulseaudio - Do all apps start with a normal priority on ...
Usually there's a pretty good reason why some process have an elevated priority – PulseAudio handles audio mixing, high priority reduces audio drop outs. However PulseAudio is mostly an exception. You need root permissions to boost process' priority, so you probably won't see any other such processes owned by a regular user.
Pulseaudio: Can't get realtime or high-priority permissions
Pulseaudio: Can't get realtime or high-priority permissions I wanted to see if anybody else had this problem / knew of a solution / isolate whether it is a pulseaudio, policykit, whatever problem, before I post a bug upstream.
d bus - What makes it possible for a `pulseaudio' process ...
PulseAudio requires higher priority than other desktop programs mainly to avoid latency problems and get a skip-free audio playback. But the process that allows PulseAudio to have a higher priority is rather complex. To get this special priority, it uses the RealtimeKit ( rtkit-daemon) process.
#526 - Included PulseAudio consumes too much CPU when ...
The combined CPU usage of pulseaudio.exe + "System" is very high, even at normal priority, and the VM is extremely slow overall. This occurs before any sound as playing. In other words, as the process is started, the CPU usage immediately goes up and the VM immediately becomes extremely slow. The combined CPU usage is always greater than
Very high CPU load due to PulseAudio latency …
It seems that Mumble requests a very low latency from PulseAudio, resulting in very high CPU load. The PA process eats around 15% and Mumble 10% (+/- 3%). That's at idle and without pressing the PushToTalk key. The CPU is an i5 2500K running at 4GHz. Also, only Mumble is using the PA daemon.
PulseAudio - LinuxReviews
PulseAudio is a standard audio stack used by as good as all Linux distributions. It places itself between end-user software and the kernels ALSA audio stack. It can be used for mixing, per-application volume control and network audio. It has a history of criticism for it's high CPU use and many, many bugs.
PulseAudio High CPU Usage / Multimedia and Games / Arch ...
PulseAudio High CPU Usage. I've noticed that when playing games, PulseAudio uses a less than insignificant amount of CPU time and this doesn't seem to have any real valid reason. It's 0% when idle (as expected) but if a game is playing audio, it can be between 2 and 50%, depending on the game. Running Factorio for example causes Pulse to use 15 ...
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