We have collected the most relevant information on Pulseaudio Volume Control System Tray. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
volctl - PulseAudio-enabled tray icon volume control for ...
Right-click the dock/tray icon and choose Quit to completely quit the app. On macOS, click the dock icon to show the window. On Linux, right-click the tray icon and choose Toggle to toggle the window. On Windows, click the tray icon to toggle the window.
GitHub - christophgysin/pasystray: PulseAudio system tray
scroll up/down: adjust the default sink volume; ctrl + scroll: adjust the default source volume; over source/sink: scroll up/down: adjust the volume of respective stream; left-click: set as default source/sink; middle-click / alt + left-click: toggle mute; right-click: open menu to move all outputs/inputs to this source/sink or rename it
man pasystray (1): PulseAudio controller for the system tray
pasystray enables control of various PulseAudio server settings from the X11 system tray. Clicking the tray icon will display a graphical menu, allowing the user to: adjust the volume of streams and sinks/sources transfer streams between sinks/sources switch the default sink/source set the default server (PULSE_SERVER)
pulseaudio - Sound (tray and audio) problem made worse ...
apt-cache search pulse | egrep 'tray|indicator' returns the following: indicator-sound - System sound indicator. indicator-sound-gtk2 - System sound indicator. pasystray - PulseAudio controller for the system tray pnmixer - Simple mixer application for system tray volti - control audio volume from system tray/notification area
How to control your Pulseaudio sound volume using the ...
Pulseaudio can easily be controlled with the command line. The pactl utility is used to control the sound volume of a Pulseaudio sink. List all sinks with this command. jason@jason-desktop:~$ pactl list sinks Then look through the list to see which is the device you wish to control, then use this command to increase the sound volume.
PulseAudio Volume Control—Linux Apps on Flathub
PulseAudio Volume Control (pavucontrol) is a volume control tool (“mixer”) for the PulseAudio sound server. In contrast to classic mixer tools, this one allows you to control both the volume of hardware devices and of each playback stream separately. Changes in version 4.0 There can now be only one pavucontrol window open at a time.
Pulseaudio mixer tray icon / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums
Registered: 2013-04-10. Posts: 1,631. Re: Pulseaudio mixer tray icon. Before filing a bug, you should make sure this caused by something being wrong with your system/user configuration. Creating a new user, and checking whether the bug appears with that user as well, is good way to make sure your user configuration isn't the culprit.
audio - How to get PulseAudio running? - Raspberry Pi ...
For starters I want to get Pulseaudio running locally and have run into various errors. I am using the . ... (sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-utils), and also over the network by selecting the sink in your system's sound control panel. You might be also be able to set up in system-wide mode with: sudo pulseaudio --system Share.
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