We have collected the most relevant information on Puppy Linux Audio Problem. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
No audio in EasyPup 2.5.1 (Solved, kinda) - Page 4 - Puppy ...
Sound Problems in Puppy Linux
Sound Problems in Puppy Linux. HooRahhhh the Panasonic CF-25 TOUGHBOOK lives! Big ups to grapefruitgirl girl for the help and replies. I ended up going back to puppy linux with the toughbook after trying everything from DeliLinux to a SIX disc download of slackware, mostly because it was the only one that would find the sound card through the ...
No audio in EasyPup 2.5.1 (Solved, kinda) - Page 3 - Puppy ...
You might have to change the sound card's one if your using both, or just disable the onboard one in the 'bios' if your using the sound card. 3- If you have the time and capacity, try downloading easypup 2.3.3, burn a CD, and see if that works, i'm finding that 2.3.3 is working correctly on hardware that 2.5.1 won't.
No audio in EasyPup 2.5.1 (Solved, kinda) - Page 4 - Puppy ...
At the speaker symbol click on 'PNMixer Preferences' and select Device->Card: USB PnP Sound Device . This will enable you again to change the volume of the sound card. I looked around the web but there are no drivers available for Linux x86-64 therefore you will be limited to use it with 32-bit Puppy versions.
No sound from 32-bit UpupFF - Puppy Linux Discussion Forum
I had the same problem. This is what worked for me when using Fossapup 64 bit. In this sequence!! Start with a fresh install of Puppy-then in this order before anything else CLICK on-Puppy setup-Sound-Sound Card Wizard-select your card--Select card/device----EXIT--Restart graphical server--then proceed with installation your way.
audio problem xenialpup | Linux.org
Hello holeam, Its been a long while since I've been on a Puppy Linux Distro so no guarantee this will work. Go to Puppy Package Manager and look for either PulseAudio Volume Control or Pavucontrol and install it and see if it works. This seemed to work for me a few times when I was running a Puppy TahrPup 64. If not then go he and create an account and someone …
Puppy Linux Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Puppy Linux Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Downloads and Usage. Q: Okay, I’ve downloaded a Puppy.What’s next, how exactly do I use it? A: This will need more space than what can be afforded in this FAQ.Please see here.; 64-bit and 32-bit, PAE and no PAE, UEFI and BIOS
Latest Firefox Update Has Left Some Linux Users With No Sound
Make Pulse Audio a hard dependency on Linux so that we reduce the problems and maintenance associated with maintaining multiple audio backends Many Firefox users don’t buy this explanation, while others, noting that “ALSA code is still present in the new build” feel making the audio backend selectable would’ve been a more suitable approach.
That puppy linux is quite difficult - Linux & Unix
That puppy linux is quite difficult - posted in Linux & Unix: Hello everyone, I am ( leaning towards was as of lately ) a Windows user. I have been using it …
Puppy Linux Links - Puplets and Derivatives
PupWin98 — Puppy Linux® for Windows®98 ChubbyPuppy v PuppyOffice v PuppyPro PLP (Puppy Linux Portable) atheros wifi difficulties TEENpup and future TEENpup's (Expected Releases) lighthouse pup cursor issue Multisession LighthousePup "Testing the Water" 215Beta4 ISO 182MB pupslack puppy games.. audio on ebox 2300 iPup "Ice" 0.1 - 55 MB ...
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