We have collected the most relevant information on Rec Audio High End. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

rec.audio.high-end - Google Groups

    rec.audio.high-end. 1–30 of 40658 ... High End Class D. It has been my experience - albeit limited - that a class D module included as part of a powered.


    rec.audio.high-end@googlegroups.com. Description. High-end audio systems. (Moderated)

Rec.Audio.High-End Newsgroup Guidelines

    rec.audio.high-end is a moderated Usenet newsgroup. All articles posted to the newsgroup are first reviewed by a moderator to verify that they are suitable for publication. The guidelines defining what is appropriate are set out in subsequent sections of this document.

NIC - rec.audio.high-end

    rec.audio.high-end High-end audio systems. (Moderated) Moderated by: Russell DeAnna audio-request@lerc.nasa.gov Submissions to: audio@lerc.nasa.gov Gatewayed to info-high-audio@introl.com. Readers: 32000 (0.4%) {87%} Mesgs per month/day: 1675/56 {79%} Crossposting: 0% {8%} Megs per month/day: 2.9/0.097 {81%} Sites reciving this Group: 72% …

Carver quality SUCKS! - Google Groups

    Dear readers of the rec.audio.high-end, I would like to go on the record and explain why I feel that Carver is producing sub-standard equiptment and has difficulty dealing with

Questions for high-end audiophiles - rec.audio.high-end ...

    rec.audio.high-end . Discussion: Questions for high-end audiophiles (too old to reply) Bob 2004-01-27 01:34:19 UTC. Permalink. After reading the 2 premier magazines in high-end audio (The Absolute Sound and Stereophile) recently, it got me to thinking about how certain "tweaks" that they used to support have seemingly vanished ...

Real High End Audio that people have experienced

    rec.audio.high-end . Discussion: Real High End Audio that people have experienced (too old to reply) AL 2006-01-07 02:49:36 UTC. Permalink. Would like to hear opiinions on some of the upper end equipment-doesn't have to be mega $-but not panasonic ok and not Ipod etc-there are some of us out there that still listen intently to music not just on ...

Archives: John Dunlavy (rec.audio.high-end forum posts ...

    Re: Archives: John Dunlavy (rec.audio.high-end forum posts 1997-2001) Thanks Roman! I've always liked the idea of the Dunlavy speakers except it's so hard to get 1st order acoustic slopes. You inspired me to go ahead and simulate something I'd been thinking about -- combine the ideas of Dunlavy and Duelund.

XTZ Divine Alpha to be shown on the High-End fair in ...

    XTZ will be at the High-End fair in Sweden on 18-19 February in Stockholm to display the new XTZ Divine Alpha Speaker. HEM High-End Fair in Stockholm "The Divine Towers offer exceptional midrange detail, elite bass resolution, and an almost calming presentation that was voiced with a lot of care and even more ambition." - Tarunvir Bains, Audioholics

Manufacturers' Showcase | Stereophile.com

    XTZ Divine Alpha to be shown on the High-End fair in Stockholm by XTZ » January 26, 2017 - 2:42am : 0: by XTZ January 26, 2017 - 2:42am : Normal topic: Michael Green Audio Website by michael green » July 15, 2016 - 9:00pm : 3: by michael green November 16, 2016 - 4:20pm : Normal topic

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