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Red Book – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O Red Book é o padrão dos CDs de áudio — Compact Disc Digital Audio (Disco Compacto de Áudio Digital) ou CDDA. O Red Book (em tradução literal: Livro Vermelho) foi assim denominado conjuntamente com os outros livros (cada um de uma cor) que especificam os padrões para todos os formatos de CD-ROM .
Redbook - Wikipedia
Redbook is an American women's magazine that is published by the Hearst Corporation. It is one of the "Seven Sisters", a group of women's service magazines.It ceased print publication as of January 2019 and now operates an article-comprised website (redbookmag.com).
Redbook Audio (Concept) - Giant Bomb
Red Book is a set of specifications for audio CDs. For games it refers to early CD-ROM titles with background music recorded and played back as audio tracks, instead of being generated by the hardware. Its called Redbook Audio because the book that lays out all the specifications has a red cover. Concept Wiki Images (1) Forum (0) News
List of games that use Red Book CD audio - …
This is a list of games on PCGamingWiki marked as using Red Book CD audio (CD-DA tracks streamed from the game CD while playing; often misspelled Redbook), leading to oftentimes superior sound quality compared to other contemporary games, but also leads to no music when the games are played on Windows XP and later unless patches and hacks are used.
CD - Video Game Music Preservation Foundation Wiki
CD - Video Game Music Preservation Foundation Wiki CD navigation search Red Book CD Audio (CD) is in raw pulse code modulation at a sampling rate of 44.1 KHz. The particular format is what standard audio CDs use. Many games from the 1990s play their digital audio directly from the game CD in order to free up the processor.
Redbook Audio Games - Giant Bomb
Red Book is a set of specifications for audio CDs. For games it refers to early CD-ROM titles with background music recorded and played back as audio tracks, instead of being generated by the hardware. Its called Redbook Audio because the book that lays out all the specifications has a red cover. Concept Wiki Images (1) Forum (0) News Games
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