We have collected the most relevant information on Referencing Audio Cd. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How to Cite an Audio CD in APA Format | Pen and the Pad
On the References page, you will include detailed information about the CD: Last name, comma, first initial of the songwriter, period. The year the CD was released in parentheses, period. Song title, capitalizing only the first word, period. "On," and then the album title in italics with all major words capitalized, "CD" in brackets, period.
Reference Audio CD download | SourceForge.net
refacd (REFerence Audio CD) is program for generation audio cd with some reference sounds for testing and adjustment audio equipment. refacd include sinus wave in ISO frequency at some levels, white and pink noise, linear and exponential sweep.
Audio CD's, DVDs and Videos - Referencing Performing Arts ...
Often correct details for referencing items can be found on the Library Catalogue record. Examples: Bean, R.(Writer and Composer) (2008). The marvelous Wonderettes: Original off-broadway cast recording [CD]. Bronxville, NY: PS Classics. Mussorgsky, M. P. (1994). Coronation scene from Boris Godunov [Edited by K. Marie Stolba] On Development of
Audio and Visual media - Citing and referencing - Subject ...
Citing and referencing: Audio and Visual media. A guide to the styles recommended by Monash schools and departments for students and researchers ... Composer, A. A. (copyright year). Song title [Recorded by if Artist is different from the writer]. On Title of CD [Format]. Place of publication: Publisher. (date of recording) Example: Intext ...
Creating Your Own Reference CD - Sound on Sound
Of course, there are some useful commercial reference CDs available, such as the Court/Parsons 'Sound Check 2' test CD (www.canford.co.uk/Products/25-244.aspx), and Canford's own 'Quick Check Disc' (www.canford.co.uk/Products/25-301.aspx), but there are good reasons to compile your own: the contents of any two different engineers' reference CDs may bear little …
Audiophile Reference Music – PS Audio
The ultimate audiophile reference setup music disc. A perfect companion for Paul McGowan’s book, The Audiophile’s Guide, unlocking the secrets to great sound. On the Audiophile’s Reference Music disc you’ll find channel and polarity checks, depth adjustment tracks, center imaging perfection, soundstaging, tuning the bottom end, a burn-in track, and …
Sound recordings - APA Referencing (APA 7th edition ...
The particular version of the work that you are referencing appears in the format field of the reference. For modern works, the recording artist or group is credited as the author. The reference list entry for a classical album consists of: Composer. (year of publication). Album title [Album performance details].
Harvard - audio, visual and multimedia - Library ...
References to sound recordings should appear in a separate discography at the end of your work. You should acknowledge the principal performers and the place and date of the performance where appropriate. Sound recordings are not written/printed material and therefore should not be included in your reference list. 1. Single composer recordings. Composer
Harvard Reference Generator | Referencing A Cd
Generate A Harvard Reference - CD. Welcome Students. To being generating your perfectly formatted harvard reference for your dissertation, thesis, paper, or university project simply input the raw information into the text boxes above. All your data will be converted into the perfect standard academic harvard reference format - ready to be ...
OU Harvard guide to citing references - Open University
referencing format from this guide to create the reference. If you include items that are not specifically cited but are relevant to the text or of potential interest to the reader, then that is a bibliography. For further guidance see Reference list (Section 3 of this guide). Op. cit. and ibid.
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