We have collected the most relevant information on Requisite Audio Fm192. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Black Lion Audio FM192 Interface Review - Mixonline
The FM192 is a rebuild of an existing HD 192, offering a new clock and other key components. The FM192 is a collaboration of Black Lion Audio (BLA) and Requisite Audio Engineering (RAE). Chicago-based Black Lion modifies audio equipment and is best known for its Digidesign 002 and 003 mods, but the company also builds preamps, summing mixers ...
Requisite Audio - cinemag.biz
FM192 Microphone Power Supply: L7, M7 and R7 ... Misc. App Notes: CineMag Customers Website Alison Krauss recording with the Requisite Audio L7: L7 PAL Plus MkIII L2M OS1: FM192 Microphone Power Supply: L7, M7 and R7 ...
Mike Shipley: Recording Alison Krauss' Paper Airplane
The Requisite Audio FM192 is an audiophile reworking of Avid's HD interface, prompted by the wishes of Shipley and 'Mutt' Lange. "There's a also new clock in the FM192, and they spent a long time on R&D and it made a massive difference.
Requisite Audio
"Since 1995, Requisite Audio has been proud to offer what is among the finest audio equipment available... past or present. Our goal is to exceed your highest expectations." Danny "Sage" McKinney - Founder Requisite Audio Engineering 818.437.0779
Unit / Module Number: Document Issue Number: Original ...
FM192-R and FM192-U or FM192-RU. The FM192-R is a FMC-LPC daughter card which has 3V-TTL Analogue and Digital ports, 3.3V-TTL CAN BUS ports, WiFi + Bluetooth Low Energy v4 module, 4G + GPS/GNSS module, IMU sensor, Audio I/O module and temperature and humidity sensor. The FM192-R follows the FMC-LPC
Digidesign 192 I/O Mods – Black Lion Audio
They’re proud users of the Black Lion Audio FM192, a heavily modified version of the Digidesign 192. The FM’s A/D and D/A conversion is so smooth, so rich, and so clear that Sound on Sound Magazine called it “a game changer”. We’re not talking about the usual shades of grey among high end converters; the FM192 has bass extension that ...
Miranda's - Recording Services
Requisite Audio: FM192 ADA PT Interface 16 Roger Schult: W2340 Aural Editor M-S Master Matrix S Rupert Neve Designs: RN HP Headphone Amp M S SPL: SPL Transient Designer Dynamics Processor DM " SPL Transient Designer Dynamics Processor ...
Recording Studio, Rehearsal Studio & Practice Room in ...
The Neve V3 is integrated to Pro Tools 10 HD with outstanding Requisite / Black Lion Audio FM192 converters interfaced to an 8 core Mac Pro and twin 22” wall mounted widescreens. Monitoring is by Dynaudio, Avantone and Yamaha NS10 via UREI and Quad amplification.
Review of Black Lion Audio Sparrow 2 Analog To Digital ...
The Red is based on the circuitry on the Black Lion Audio FM192, a collaboration with Requisite Audio Engineering that amplified a Pro Tools HD 192 to Black Lion “standards.” The White is $600 more, but adds the aforementioned second converter, as well as the latest research and development “wins” — including delta sigma conversion ...
'Lost' Beatles Mixing Board Found | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
There is a company that I helped start (no affiliation any more though) called Requisite Audio that came out with a Protools interface called FM192 that seems to be turning some heads. Alison Krauss's new record Paper Airplane used this interface. Maybe Protools can be brought out of the black lagoon.
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