We have collected the most relevant information on Resample Audio C. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

FFmpeg/resampling_audio.c at master - GitHub

    " API example program to show how to resample an audio stream with libswresample. \n " " This program generates a series of audio frames, resamples them to a specified " " output format and rate and saves them to an output file named output_file. \n " ,

GitHub - cpuimage/resampler: A Simple and Efficient …

    A Simple and Efficient Audio Resampler Implementation in C - GitHub - cpuimage/resampler: A Simple and Efficient Audio Resampler Implementation in C. ... uint64_t Resample_f32 (const float *input, float *output, int inSampleRate, int outSampleRate, ...

c++ - Library for audio resampling - Stack Overflow

    libresample based on `resample-1.7P. libresample4j is a Java port of libresample. Open Source Audio Library Project (OSALP) contains a C++ class based on resample. The Speex speech coder/decoder. More at another large list of implementations and …

Audio Resampling - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs

    When reading compressed audio, the reader will resample the content to match the output format. You must use one of the output formats enumerated by the reader, so you are guaranteed that the audio can be resampled to the output format settings. Each resampling potentially affects the quality of the audio.

Audio Resampling — PyTorch Tutorials 1.10.1+cu102 ...

    to resample an audio waveform from one freqeuncy to another, you can use transforms.resample or functional.resample . transforms.resample precomputes and caches the kernel used for resampling, while functional.resample computes it on the fly, so using transforms.resample will result in a speedup when resampling multiple waveforms using the same …

c - Resampling audio using libswresample from 48000 to ...

    I'm trying to resample a decoded audio frame from 48KHz to 44.1KHz using the libswresample API. The code I have is the following: // 'frame' is the original decoded audio frame AVFrame *output_fra...

Free Resampling Software - Stanford University

    The resamplesoftware package contains free sampling-rate conversion and filter designutilities written in C, including a stand-alone command-line sampling-rate conversion utility called resample. The package compilesreadily under Linux and most other UNIX operating systems. It is released under the GNULesser General Public License (LGPL).


    • The free Open Source Audio Library Project (OSALP)15 (LGPL) contains a C++ class based on resample. • The Speex16 speech coder/decoder (based on CELP) contains a variation of the resample algorithm in the file resample.c, is free and open-source, and is released under a BSD-style license (i.e., free for both commercial and noncommercial ...

Resampling - dspGuru

    A practical and well-known example results from the fact that professional audio equipment uses a sampling rate of 48 kHz, but consumer audio equipment uses a rate of 44.1 kHz. Therefore, to transfer music from a professional recording to a CD, the sampling rate must be changed by a factor of: (44100 / 48000) = (441 / 480) = (147 / 160)

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