We have collected the most relevant information on Resolution Audio Cd55 Review. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Resolution Audio CD55 - Audiogon Discussion Forum
Im in Austin, TX. May want to try Gary at The Audio Gallery in Lake Oswego, Or. (503) 699-8888. I know he has handled Muse and possibly Resolution as well. Let me know the results if you do. Gary at the Audio Gallery in Lake Oswego, OR is a complete loser. If his was the only store in the world that carried the be all, end all in hi fi ...
CD55 CD Player Owner’s Manual - Resolution Audio
CD55 CD Player Thank you for purchasing the CD55 CD Player. When Resolution began design of the CD55, we sought to offer true high-end performance in a single-box player. Accordingly, the CD55 utilizes quality components throughout the unit. For the CD drive mechanism we selected the Philips P10500, their latest high-end offering. This mecha-
SoundStage! Equipment Review - Audio Aero Capitole 24/192 ...
The Capitole 24/192 and the Resolution Audio player move it another surprising leap forward -- with even more depth, better delineation of voices and instruments, and better rendering of ambient cues. The CD55 and Capitole 24/192 are neck and neck, both exemplifying the best of what modern-day CD playback is about. Conclusion.
Resolution Audio CD50 CD Players user reviews : 4.7 out of ...
Wow! This is one musical gem. I can see how the company came up with the name Resolution Audio. If you haven't heard this unit expect to hear a smooth, spacious, and detailed presentation. The nice thing about the CD 50 is that it's a CD and Preamp all in one box. The CD 50 preamp section is excellent not like some I have used.
Resolution Audio CD-50 CD w/mods **Go Amp Direct!!**As ...
That problem is gone. In terms of resolution and detail the Capitole 24/192 is now among the very best I’ve heard. I just had in-house the excellent Resolution Audio CD55 CD pblockedblockedblockedlayer (unfortunately due to parts-supply problems the pblockedblockedblockedlayer is not available at this time).
6moons audio reviews: Resolution Audio Opus 21
From my time many years ago, in California and with the Resolution Audio CD50 and CD55 machines, I remembered that they used passive I/V conversion as well. With very high probability, this had to mean the Opus 21 did too. Unfortunately, the Resolution Audio website seems deliberately coy about details.
6moons audio reviews: Resolution Audio Opus 21
Review component retail: $3500: During its ascendancy and subsequent reign, Jeffrey Kalt's original Resolution Audio CD-50 player with analog-domain variable outputs enjoyed something of a cult following and formed the basis for the first BAT player. The CD-55 successor was eventually discontinued when its drive mechanism became unavailable.
Resolution Audio CD-50 HDCD Balanced CD Player | CD/SACD ...
Resolution Audio CD-50 for sale. I have an outstanding sounding and looking Resolution Audio CD50 cd player for sale. It functions perfectly and features HDCD processing and both single ended and balanced outputs. Built like a tan...
Resolution Audio
Leading-edge CD and DVD technology, originally an MIT spinoff.
High-End Audiophile Industry News
The new Resolution Audio CD55 compact disc player employs not one, but four 24-bit Burr Brown 1704 digital-to-analog (D/A) converters. This additional decoding power is paramount to take advantage of their proprietary DSP filter algorithm that upsamples the audio signal from the standard compact disc 44.1 kHz/16-bit signal to 705.6 kHz/24-bit.
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