We have collected the most relevant information on Restakis Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
John Restakis – Audio Books, Best Sellers, Author Bio ...
John Restakis has been active in the co-op movement for 15 years. He is the Executive Director of the BC Co-operative Association and has been a consultant for co-op development projects in Africa and Asia. A pioneering researcher into international co-operative economies, he writes and lectures on economic democracy and the role of co ...
Humanizing the Economy by John Restakis | Audiobook ...
Restakis, the Executive Director for the British Columbia Co-operative Association, is a researcher and educator on international cooperative economies and is highly regarded as a pioneer for economic democracy in Canada and abroad. His book provides a rich and well-researched account of the failures and inhumane realities of the dominant ...
Listen to Humanizing the Economy Audiobook by John …
Audiobook About the author JR John Restakis John Restakis is the former Executive Director of the BC Co-operative Association and has been a consultant for co-op development projects in Africa, South America, and Asia.
Stream Audio Book: Humanizing the Economy: …
Stream Audio Book: Humanizing the Economy: Cooperatives in the Age of Capital, John Restakis by Post Hypnotic Press Books on desktop and mobile. …
John Restakis - Author of 'Humanizing the Economy ...
This is a recording of the seminar 'Humanizing the Economy' with John Restakis at the National University of Ireland Galway, March 15th 2018. John discusses the role of cooperatives and movements for economic democracy in responding to the multiple social, economic and ecological crises people are experiencing around the world today.
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