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Rip Van Winkle (audio book) - LibriVox Audio Books Catalog
Toggle navigation LibriVox Audio Books ... Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving (3.2 stars; 11 reviews) Au Fil des Lectures. Nouvelle fantastique lue par Éric (48 min). Rip est un brave homme apprécié de tous, mais qui est affligé d'une épouse particulièrement acariâtre. Un jour de septembre, il part dans les montagnes avec son fusil, et ...
Rip Van Winkle (audio book)
Rip Van Winkle ! » Il regarda autour de lui, mais il ne vit rien… qu’une corneille qui passait dans son vol solitaire, perpendiculairement à la montagne. Il crut avoir été le jouet de son imagination, et se retournait pour continuer à descendre, quand il entendit le même cri retentir dans l’air assoupi du soir : « Rip Van Winkle !
LibriVox Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain Menu. Skip to content. About; Contact; Forum; Help; Twitter; rss; Search LibriVox. Advanced search. Browse the catalog. Author; Title; Genre/Subject; Language Donate to LibriVox Thank a reader. LibriVox recordings are Public Domain in the USA. ...
Rip Van Winkle : LibriVox : Free Download, Borrow, and ...
An illustration of an audio speaker. Audio. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. Software. An illustration of two photographs. Images. An illustration of a heart shape Donate. An illustration of text ellipses. More. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. ... Rip Van Winkle Audio Preview
Washington Irving (April 3, 1783 – November 28, 1859) was an American author, essayist, biographer, historian, and diplomat of the early 19th century. He is best known for his short stories "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle", both of which appear in his book The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
Various. LibriVox’s Short Story Collection 026: a collection of 10 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a group of LibriVox members. Genre (s): Short Stories. Language: English.
Production details Running Time: 15:20:50 Zip file size: 442.1MB Catalog date: 2012-03-05 Read by: LibriVox Volunteers Book Coordinator: TriciaG Meta Coordinator:
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Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving, unabridged …
Genre(s): Horror & Supernatural FictionRip Van WinkleRead by Bob Neufeld"Rip Van Winkle" is a short story by American author Washington Irving published in 1...
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Version 2) (audio ... - LibriVox
It was based on a German folktale set in the Dutch culture of Post-Revolutionary War in New York State. With Irving's companion piece "Rip Van Winkle", it is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today. (Summary by Wikipedia) (1 hr 21 min)
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