We have collected the most relevant information on Romanian Bible Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Get Romanian Holy Bible with Audio - Microsoft Store
Download this app from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Romanian Holy Bible with Audio.
Romanian Bible Audio mp3 Pro on the App Store
Romanian Holy Bible Audio mp3 - Biblia română - Versiunea Dumitru Cornilescu Această aplicație vă oferă posibilitatea de a citi și de a asculta toate cărțile Vechiului Testament și Noul Testament pe iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch . = > Conținut : - …
Romanian language Audio Bible reading, Old and New Testament
The Romanian Audio Bible is the solution. It provides an excellent narration of the entire Old and New Testament books of the Bible so that both young and old can enjoy without a struggle. Every word can be heard clearly with a high-quality sound. Its user-friendly features make it easy to peruse chapters and books of the Bible at your leisure ...
Audio Biblia în limba română - Romanian Audio Bible
Audio Biblia. [Romanian Playlists] Alege o carte pentru a asculta sau descărca: [English Book Refs.] Vechiul Testament - [O.T.] Facerea - Geneza. Ieşirea - Exod. Levitic.
Romanian Audio Bible, listen to the Bible in Romanian
Romanian Audio Bible reading. Romanian is the primary language of 24 million people spread across the world. For another 4 million, it is the secondary tongue. The powerful and inspiring message of the gospel must be available to touch and transform the hearts and lives of those who are in dire need. The barriers of language and poor ...
Romanian Bible player - Audio Bible in Romanian
Romanian Bible player - Audio Bible in Romanian. Features: • Romanian language Bible. • Cornilescu Version - Narrated by Alexandru Sorin Farc. • Both Old Testament and New Testament. • Built in speaker for small group listening and earbud jack for private listening. • Raised buttons to easily navigate forward and backward between each ...
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