We have collected the most relevant information on Runtimeerror Audio_Alsa_Sink. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
gr::log :ERROR: audio_alsa_sink0 - [default]: set_channels ...
Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian OS 2016-05-27-raspbian-jessie.img, headless setup and VNC sudo apt install gnuradio sudo apt install gr-osmosdr gnuradio-companion Create a trivial flowgraph with an Audio Sink: attempt to run it. Fails with ...
A patch to fix audio_alsa_sink[hw:0,0]: snd_pcm_hw_params ...
audio_alsa_sink [hw:0,0]: snd_pcm_hw_params failed: File descriptor in bad state. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'. what (): check topology failed on audio_alsa_sink (1) using ninputs=1, noutputs=0. This happened on both my Acer and my MacBook Pro; both running the lates git of GNU Radio v3.3.1git-96-g1fa9a8ea ...
audio_alsa_sink[hw:0,0]: snd_pcm_hw_params failed · …
There is a problem with the ALSA sink which causes a runtime error when we reconfigure the flow graph. This is the case when we change mode and bandwidth. The error message is: audio_alsa_sink[hw:0,0]: snd_pcm_hw_params failed: File descriptor in bad state terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
[Discuss-gnuradio] "check topology failed on audio_alsa_sink"
RuntimeError: check topology failed on audio_alsa_sink(7) using ninputs=1, noutputs=0 >>> Done (return code 1) Based on some of the results when searching for the error, I tried both leaving the audio device empty or putting plughw0,0 (as suggsted by the block's documentation).
alsa - gstreamer - replace audio sink at runtime - Stack ...
gstreamer - replace audio sink at runtime. Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. I'd like to delete the alsa sink and create new one at runtime. Both of the old element and new element were deleted and created successfully. And I try to resume the audio, but the audio was not played. Please advise which part is wrong.
Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GNU Radio Companion - ALSA
Hello Marcus If I use: pulse it returns: RuntimeError: audio_alsa_sink Best regards Robin. Den 19-02-2017 kl. 18:06 skrev Marcus Müller: Hi Robin, Progress! (and you really don't have to try anything in lower- AND uppercase. the names are simply case-sensitive, so use them **exactly** like aplay -L lists them. Everything else can't work.
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