We have collected the most relevant information on Sdl Audio Callback Class. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
trying to assign callback variable with SDL for audio
Process stream using AudioData struct or whatever } public: void playAudio() { auto audioSpec = SDL_AudioSpec{}; // ... set the freq and format and what not in the audio spec audioSpec.callback = &myStaticAudioCallback; audioSpec.userdata = this; const auto audioDevice = SDL_OpenAudioDevice( NULL, 0, &audioSpec, NULL, …
c++ - Pointer to member-function for SDL audio callback ...
I have declared a class for playing the sound. But now I have to store a pointer for the callback function in the SDL_AudioSpec::callback (in the example wanted_spec.callback). But my callback is a member of my class. The callback pointer in SDL is: void (SDLCALL *callback)(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len); where SDLCALL is __cdecl.
Sdl AudioCallback - Tangent128/luasdl2 Wiki
The audio callback is used to play sound. It is called by the SDL internal code at a specific interval. Because it runs in a different thread, it also require to be ran in a different Lua state. That is, to facilitate the audio process, only a file as a callback is currently allowed.
Audio Device Management, Playing and Recording — pycsdl2 2 ...
class csdl2.SDL_AudioSpec(freq=0, format=0, channels=0, silence=0, samples=0, size=0, callback=None, userdata=None) ¶. Specifies an audio output format. This is used in functions like SDL_OpenAudioDevice (), SDL_OpenAudio () for specifying the audio callback, desired and obtained audio output, and by functions like SDL_LoadWAV () for returning the audio data …
Play a sound with SDL2 (no SDL_Mixer) · GitHub
while ( audio_len > 0) {SDL_Delay (100); } // shut everything down: SDL_CloseAudio (); SDL_FreeWAV (wav_buffer);} // audio callback function // here you have to copy the data of your audio buffer into the // requesting audio buffer (stream) // you should only copy as much as the requested length (len) void my_audio_callback (void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len)
Now you know Sdl Audio Callback Class
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