We have collected the most relevant information on Sdl Audiospec Format. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
sdl_audiospec(3): Audio Specification Structure - Linux ...
SDL_AudioSpec - SDL Wiki
SDL_AudioSpec want, have; SDL_AudioDeviceID dev; SDL_memset(&want, 0, sizeof (want)); /* or SDL_zero(want) */ want.freq = 48000; want.format = AUDIO_F32; want.channels = 2; want.samples = 4096; want.callback = MyAudioCallback; // you wrote this function elsewhere. dev = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &want, &have, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_FORMAT_CHANGE);
SDL_AudioSpec - SDL Library Documentation
The SDL_AudioSpec structure is used to describe the format of some audio data. This structure is used by SDL_OpenAudio and SDL_LoadWAV. While all fields are used by SDL_OpenAudio only freq, format, samples and channels are used by SDL_LoadWAV. We …
SDL_AudioSpec - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Description. The SDL_AudioSpec structure is used to describe the format of some audio data. This structure is used by SDL_OpenAudio and SDL_LoadWAV. While all fields are used by SDL_OpenAudio only freq, format, samples and channels are used by SDL_LoadWAV. We will detail these common members here. freq.
What's the meaning of the format parameter in …
You can set your prefered format when you call SDL_OpenAudio(). If the prefered format isn't available the settings are changed to hardware settings Quote from docs: SDL_OpenAudio reads these fields from the desired SDL_AudioSpec structure pass to the function and attempts to find an audio configuration matching your desired.
sdl_audiospec(3): Audio Specification Structure - Linux ...
The SDL_AudioSpec structure is used to describe the format of some audio data. This structure is used by SDL_OpenAudio and SDL_LoadWAV. While all fields are used by SDL_OpenAudio only freq, format, samples and channels are used by SDL_LoadWAV. We will detail these common members here. freq The number of samples sent to the sound device every second.
SDL: SDL_AudioSpec Struct Reference
For multi-channel audio, the default SDL channel mapping is:2: FL FR (stereo) 3: FL FR LFE (2.1 surround) 4: FL FR BL BR (quad)5: FL FR FC BL BR (quad + center) 6: FL FR FC LFE SL SR (5.1surround - last two can also be BL BR) 7: FL FR FC LFE BC SL SR (6.1surround) 8: FL FR FC LFE BL BR SL SR (7.1 surround) Definition at line 177offile SDL_audio.h.
man SDL::AudioSpec (3): SDL Bindings for structure SDL ...
The "SDL::AudioSpec" structure is used to describe the format of some audio data. This structure is used by "SDL::Audio::open_audio" and "SDL::Audio::load_wav" . While all fields are used by "SDL::Audio::open_audio" , only "freq" , "format" , "samples" and "channels" are used by "SDL::Audio::load_wav" .
Audio Examples - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Opening the audio device. SDL_AudioSpec wanted; extern void fill_audio (void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len); /* Set the audio format */ wanted.freq = 22050; wanted.format = AUDIO_S16; wanted.channels = 2; /* 1 = mono, 2 = stereo */ wanted.samples = 1024; /* Good low-latency value for callback */ wanted.callback = fill_audio; wanted.userdata = NULL; /* Open the audio device, …
Audio Examples - SDL Library Documentation
Opening the audio device. SDL_AudioSpec wanted; extern void fill_audio (void *udata, Uint8 *stream, int len); /* Set the audio format */ wanted.freq = 22050; wanted.format = AUDIO_S16; wanted.channels = 2; /* 1 = mono, 2 = stereo */ wanted.samples = 1024; /* Good low-latency value for callback */ wanted.callback = fill_audio; wanted.userdata = NULL; /* Open the audio device, …
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