We have collected the most relevant information on Self Publish Audiobook Itunes. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How to Publish an Audiobook on iTunes - Naturally Voice
How to Publish an Audiobook on iTunes - Naturally Voice
As a self-publisher, it is not possible to create or upload an audiobook directly to iTunes. Instead, you have to use a distributer that serves …
How to Sell Audiobooks - Apple Books Partner Support
Audiobook pre-orders. You can set up a pre-order by sending album-level metadata through Transporter, or by specifying a pre-order start date in iTunes Connect. How to set up a pre-order in iTunes Connect. If your asset files aren’t ready, set up a pre-order using these instructions: Go to My Music in iTunes Connect. Select your book.
Publishing audiobooks on iTunes - Apple Community
They were able to get my book on audible, iTunes and a bunch of other places. They've been terrific to work with and I've really enjoyed it. You should check them out. They work with self-published authors (like me) and I would recommend them to anyone wanting to self-publish an audiobook.
How Do You Self-Publish an Audiobook? - Naturally Voice
How Do You Self-Publish an Audiobook? Decide whether to use a professional narrator or narrate your own audiobook.. Follow the instructions on Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX) to either start working with a narrator or upload your... Wait for ACX will proof your audio files and distribute them to ...
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