We have collected the most relevant information on Silent Hill 2 Audio Fix. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Silent Hill 2 PC How to fix the sound looping completely ...
I apologize for the flickering in parts of this video my recording software isn't being very cooperative today "Being the reason the game video is in the top...
SH2 Patch file - Silent Hill 2 - Mod DB
Option B: Run Silent Hill 2 and Alt+tab and go into Windows' Task Manager (ctrl+shift+esc). Under 'Processes' right-click sh2pc.exe and set the amount of CPU cores to only 1 core. Otherwise you will get sound and stability issues. 6.
Silent Hill 2 PC : Director's Cut - Weird Sound Looping ...
Silent Hill 2 PC : Director's Cut - Weird Sound Looping GlitchFix - 2 ways to fix it Download the patch from http://www.gamershell.com/download_998.shtmlOr...
Audio issue in the PC port of Silent Hill 2: Director's ...
You can do this manually by going into your task manager\details\sh2pc. Right-click the process and click Set Affinity. Then deselect all the cores except the first. Core 0 counts as 1. Make sure you're actually under the Details tab and not the Processes tab. As far as I know, the patches and hacks don't fix this issue. 3 level 2 AeroWidescreen
Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition - Troubleshooting
Silent Hill 2 PC detects and uses whatever device was set as the default audio source upon launch. If you'd like to change the audio source that the game uses, close the game, change your default audio source through Windows Sound Settings, and relaunch the game.
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