We have collected the most relevant information on Simpleaudioengine Cocos2d. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Cocos2d-x: SimpleAudioEngine Class Reference
SimpleAudioEngine.h; CocosDenshion; SimpleAudioEngine; Generated on Mon May 21 2018 23:54:03 for Cocos2d-x by 1.8.8 ...
cocos2d-x: SimpleAudioEngine Class Reference
cocos2d-x: SimpleAudioEngine Class Reference cocos2d-x 3.0-alpha0 Offers a VERY simple interface to play background music & sound effects. More... #include <SimpleAudioEngine.h> Detailed Description Offers a VERY simple interface to play background music & …
cocos2d-x: SimpleAudioEngine Class Reference
cocos2d-x: SimpleAudioEngine Class Reference. offer a VERY simple interface to play background music & sound effect More... #include <SimpleAudioEngine.h>. Inheritance diagram for SimpleAudioEngine:
cocos2d x 4.0 - Convert SimpleAudioEngine to …
Convert SimpleAudioEngine to AudioEngine Cocos2dx-v4. Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. I make the gameclone with cocos2dx version 4.0 but I check in document of cocos2dx-v4, I see in Doc we can use SimpleAudioEngine and i try this code when I Debug the code say "SimpleAudioEngine unidentified ", How can i change to ...
Playing Sound · GitBook - Cocos2d
Play background music. Play an audio file for use as background music. This can be repeated continuously. # include "SimpleAudioEngine.h" using namespace CocosDenshion; auto audio = SimpleAudioEngine::getInstance(); // set the background music and continuously play it. audio->playBackgroundMusic("mymusic.mp3", true); // set the background music and play it just …
Cocos2D-X Tutorial Series: Playing Sound Effects and Music ...
We will look at playing music and sound effects using SimpleAudioEngine, one of two engines built into Cocos2d-x. There is a second, newer, more commplex and experimental audio engine AudioEngine, that we will discuss later. Let’s start straight away by playing some music. To make use of SimpleAudioEngine we need to add an additional include call:
[Cocos2d-x 3.11, Android]: SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect ...
When a relatively long (3-4 seconds) sound effect is playing while a burst of little sounds are playing, the long sound likely will stop its execution. This happens on Android (5.1.1) and does NOT happens on iOS. The bug can be reproduce...
SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect() lagged on Android 5.0.x ...
walzer added type:bug audio labels on Apr 27, 2015. walzer changed the title freeze when playEffect () on Android 5.0.1 SimpleAudioEngine::playEffect () lagged on Android 5.0.x on Apr 27, 2015. walzer added the critical label on Apr 27, 2015. walzer mentioned this issue on Apr 27, 2015. cannot set or read volume on win32 #9910.
Cocos2d-x Tutorial for Beginners - raywenderlich.com
Cocos2d-x is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use open source 2D game engine. It’s is very similar to Apple’s Sprite Kit, but has one key advantage – Cocos2d-x is cross platform.. This means with one set of code, you can make games for iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Mac OS X, Windows Desktop and Linux.
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