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ios - Playing audio in cocos2d v3 - Stack Overflow
I am trying to get background music playing and looping as well as one-shot sounds every now and again, e.g. level up etc. I have found many tutorials on this that are using SimpleAudioEngine, but when I import SimpleAudioEngine.h the compiler is stating "SimpleAudioEngine.h file not found". I am using SpriteBuilder and cocos2d v3.
c++ - Problem playing music and sound effects in Cocos2d-x ...
\$\begingroup\$ In the default HelloWorld project CocosDenshion is not there so I'm unable to include SimpleAudioEngine.h I tried adding the folder to project in xcode but now I'm getting compiler errors. The best way i found till now is installing the template and then creating a new project. \$\endgroup\$ –
Cocos2d-x: SimpleAudioEngine Class Reference
Preload a compressed audio file. The compressed audio will be decoded to wave, then written into an internal buffer in SimpleAudioEngine. The path of the effect file. Preload a compressed audio file. The compressed audio will be decoded to wave, then written into an internal buffer in SimpleAudioEngine.
Problems with AudioToolbox on iOS 5? Read this ...
Once you’ve downloaded it, you will find a folder called CocosDenshion with some .h and .m files. Add all of them to your project along with the frameworks needed: AVFoundation, OpenAL and AudtioToolbox. Next, let’s replace your current code to play your sound files: 1.- Add the “SimpleAudioEngine.h” header to your class
cordova build android提示No installed build tools found的解决方 …
cordova build android提示No installed build tools found的解决方法 本文转载自 langyuewu 查看原文 2015-07-02 1 解决 / 解决方法 / cordova / build / html5 / android
c++ cannot open source file [SOLVED] - Mr.CodeHunter
1) ArrayOutput.h file is available in current directory? check path of file 2) Try to right click and open file, If it does not found you will get popup in visual studio that fine not found 3) Try to give full path of file like D:/Data/…etc/ArrayOutput.h
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