We have collected the most relevant information on Skype Crackling Pulseaudio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
"Loose contact" between Skype and PulseAudio: crackling ...
In the "Playback" tab, Skype flickers as a playback device, and this flickering translates to the stuttering/crackling audio you hear in the video. It's hard to tell without being a developer, of course, but I'm suspecting that the issue could lie somewhere between Skype and Pulse Audio, or Skype and ALSA. My Steps to Reproduce: 1.
pulseaudio - Skype and VLC sounds sizzling, distorted, …
It's not just a problem with Skype, I believe it's a problem with, you've guessed it, PulseAudio. Workaround? Indeed there is. Disabling PulseAudio's Glitch Free Audio seems to have solved the crackling for me (which became unbearable on Ubuntu 12.10 Beta 2) To do this, edit the /etc/pulse/default.pa file in your favourite text editor.
[SOLVED] Crackling sound -- Skype / moc / pulseaudio issue ...
Hello there! I run a 64bit system and after the most recent pulseaudio update to 4.0-1 I experience problems (lib32-libpulse is installed): First I …
Crackly sound with Skype on Ubuntu/pulseaudio – Geekphreek
Crackly sound with Skype on Ubuntu/pulseaudio ... Reboot and the crackling should be gone. Post navigation. Previous Post Previous Handbrake Blackberry Playbook Settings. Next Post Next Avidemux export for Avid Composer import. 2 thoughts on “Crackly sound with Skype on Ubuntu/pulseaudio”
sound - Skype crackling audio during Test Call? - Ask …
I have a problem with Skype 4.2 during the Test Call that I don't think it matters on client side, but during the test call after the recording and then playback the audio is crackling. Now I fixed Audacity with the same problem with the package pulseaudio-module-jack and the skipping and crackling in my records was gone afterwards.
Skype crackling issue with speakers - Microsoft Community
Skype crackling issue with speakers When in a call in skype with my laptop. The other persons sound is cracking and losing data. I tried calling on the same internet from a different computer but the problem still exists. It is not a issue with the internet but on the recieving end of the computer.
Crackling sound captured by the microphone using skype ...
With audacity, the sound from the mic is clearly captured, no crackling occurs. In skype options, the only sound device I can choose is "PulseAudio server (local)" for microphone, speakers and ringing (i.e. all the audio devices listed in skype options).
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