We have collected the most relevant information on Spatial-Temporal-Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio-Visual Event Classification via Spatial-Temporal ...
audio features using the pLSA model. Each audio-visual event class is treated as the latent topic in this model. The probability distributions of the spatial-temporal-audio words are learned from training examples, which include a sequence of videos that …
STAViS: Spatio-Temporal AudioVisual Saliency Network
applications during the last three years [1, 69]. Audio contains rich information that when integrated with spatio-temporal visual information, it facilitates learning and im-proves performance in many traditionally visual-only tasks. Most importantly, audio comes for free, as it is already in-cluded in the majority of videos and synchronized ...
KMA Audio Machines Cirrus Spatial Temporal Modifier | …
KMA Audio Machines Cirrus Spatial Temporal Modifier 2019 - 2021 Red. Zeroes And Ones. Dallas, TX, United States. 127. $190. + $10 Shipping. As low as $17/mo. Excellent. Add to Cart.
KMA Audio Machines Cirrus Spatial Temporal Modifier ...
This little Spatial-Temporal Modifier gives you three different Delay AND Reverb modes, which all sport a special dynamic feature that is controlled by your picking attack. This enables you to create sounds that are certifiably out of this world! To set the sensitivity of how the sound reacts, every section has its own sensitivity control.
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