We have collected the most relevant information on Spore Data Spore_Audio1.Package. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

A Look into: Spore_Audio1 | The Spore Modding Drive

    Package Name: Spore_Audio1.package. Package File Size: 994,364 KB. Standard File Location: C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\SPORE\Data. Unpacked Details: Size: 0.98 GB. Contains: 17,645 Files, 1 Folders.

"Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)" for Spore_Audio1 ...

    For Spore on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled ""Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)" for Spore_Audio1.package".

Spore SHA1 error Audio1 & 2, Graphics & Spore app files ...

    I purchised and downloaded spore, but when I tried to access it, it asked me to update it. I clicked yes but it failed halfway. So I skipped it, then

孢子\孢子\Data\Spore_Audio1.package CRC 这个文件谁 …

    孢子\孢子\Data\Spore_Audio1.package CRC 给我发邮箱里 谢谢各位大侠了!. !. !. xjthunder@163.com. #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了?. 朋友这个文件高达971M 原谅 …

Spore Audio Files .package - XeNTaX

    Re: Spore Audio Files .package. Post. by daemon1 » Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:39 pm. Ok, I looked through those files. Files are all different. Two files are MP3, so can be converted with Ealayer3 (one with header, another without, they convert anyway) Two other files are XAS ADPCM, one with header, another without.

Now you know Spore Data Spore_Audio1.Package

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