We have collected the most relevant information on Subject Search Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Search results from Audio Recording, Available Online ...
Search results 1 - 20 of 20. Barry Ellis interview conducted by Fletcher Powell, 2013-06-06. Barry Ellis, owner of Money Town Pawn Shop, talks about his experience with Boeing employees as customers of his business, how his business was affected by Boeing's "boom and bust" years, how he developed personal relationships with Boeing employees through his business, and …
Search Audio Recordings - loc.gov
Audio Recording. The Blind girl. They tell me, father, that tonight you wed another bride John McCready, unaccompanied vocals. Recorded by Sidney Robertson Cowell in Groveland, California on July 31, 1939. Forms part of a group of field materials documenting John McCready performing Anglo-American songs on July 31, August 2, and August 5, 1939 ...
Subject Search – ScriptureScribe – Audio Talks for ...
Subject Search – ScriptureScribe – Audio Talks for Christadelphians Subject Search This is a list of all subjects Currently on the site in a Glossary Style Page useful for browsing topics All A B C …
Search results from Audio Recording, Available Online ...
Date: 2016. Audio Recording. Barbara Dane collection Collection of sound recordings of interviews, readings by authors, lectures and speeches, and radio broadcasts with songs and music, recorded and compiled by Barbara Dane and Irwin Silber for the Sing Out! radio program on WBAI-FM, New York City; and for other radio shows and documentation of ...
What is subject searching and how can I use it? - SNHU ...
10640 What is Subject Searching? Within a database or The Online Library Catalog, subject searching allows you to search by categories, which are found in the subject field of an item record. Subject terms are pre-defined and used for all items within a database or source that relate to that term.
Search results for Audio Recording, Martin Luther King ...
Search results 1 - 21 of 21. We know who killed MLK We know who killed Martin Luther King Catalog Record Only Presents a conversation between Gary Null and William Pepper, the New York attorney best known for defending Martin Luther King's accused assassin, James Earl Ray. In this gripping interview, Pepper relays his insided knowledge of Ray's trial and the evidence …
Keyword vs. Subject Searching | Oregon Tech
A subject search is more specific than a keyword search: it looks in only one field of each record - the subject field. Many databases use subject headings that are unique to that particular database. This controlled vocabulary allows for consistency of terms across the database. For example, Medline database uses MeSH - medical subject headings and CINAHL database also …
Subject Search - JCU Australia
Search 2008. Search 2007. Student Handbook. Fees and Payment. Commonwealth Supported. Domestic Postgraduate. Use subject codes and prefixes to search for subjects. For example, if you want any first year Social Science subject, type SS1 (SS=Social Science, 1= level 1). How to use Subject Search.
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