We have collected the most relevant information on Subliminal Self-Help Audio Tapes. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Subliminal self-help audiotapes: a search for placebo …
Subliminal self-help audiotapes to aid weight loss were evaluated to determine if their apparent effectiveness is due to a placebo effect. All subjects were female students or staff who were both overweight and believed in the possible effectiveness of subliminal audiotapes. Three different groups of subjects were tested: One group listened to subliminal audiotapes purchased …
tape's label. Subliminal self-help (SSH) audiotapes are widely advertised as being able to produce many desirable effects, includ- ing weight loss, smoking cessation, anx- iety reduction, and improvement of sex- ual function. In ordinary use, purchasers of SSH tapes know and desire the target effect, which is clearly marked on the
Amazon.com: subliminal tapes
Subliminal Self-help Tapes: Promises, Promises
purveyors of subliminal tapes also offer access to such other-worldly pursuits as astral projection, psychic healing, and past-life regression. A particular favorite of ours is the subliminal auditory tape sold by Potentials Unlimited that offers to cure deafness! According to Newsweek magazine (July 30, 1990), American sales of subliminal audiotapes
Subliminal Tapes Self Improvement and Subliminal CD
Subliminal Tapes and CD's: Our Guarantee. Subliminal Tapes Self Improvement Online Catalog. Contact subliminal tapes Self Improvement Staff. Shopping Cart. Our Partners. My Selected Subliminal. Prices: Standard: CD/Tape/MP3: $24.99. Custom:
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