We have collected the most relevant information on Synology Audio Station Stream To Airport Express. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Synology Community
Audio station and airport express - Synology Community
I am trying to use airport express as a bridge between my av receiver and stored music files on the Synology server. I am using the audio station on iphone to select and play files via airplay. SImple stereo plays no problem but AC3 , dts, dolby is …
Audio Station | Synology Inc.
Audio Station is your intuitive and versatile music library for exploring, sharing, and managing music collections all in one place. A shortcut to your favorite music and playlists by music genre. Organize songs into playlists and share your music with friends with customized validity. Enjoy music broadcast through Internet radio stations and ...
Synology and Airport Express | AVForums
Mar 8, 2013. #2. Yes you can do that, you don't need a PC running iTunes. In Audiostation or DSAudio you can select the output speakers, just set the Airport Express as the speakers or you simply can Airplay directly within the DSAudio app running on iPad. The Airport Express uses mini-optical just watch out for that so you need mini-optical to regular optical cable.
Airport configuration for Synology - Apple Community
broadband connection - Virgin media superhub (V-SH) - wireless and via ethernet to powerline adapter. There are two further powerlines connected in my house, one connected to an Airport Time Capsule (ATC) and the other connected in the bedroom to an Airport Express (AE). The ATC is connected to a Canon MP970 printer and a Synology Diskstation.
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