We have collected the most relevant information on The Audio Service Is Not Running Message. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Fix: The Audio Service is not running - Appuals.com
Solved: The Audio Service is not running Windows 10 ...
On your keyboard, press the Windows logo key and R at the same time to invoke the Run box. Type services.msc and press Enter to open the Services window: Click Windows Audio, then Restart . Right-click Windows Audio, then select Properties . Set the Startup to Automatic. Then click Apply > OK .
[FIXED] The Audio Service Is Not Running on Windows 10 ...
The audio service is not running. - Microsoft Community
When your computer boots up you will usually see a Press F2 (or something) to enter Settings (which is the BIOS/CMOS) and in there you can check to see if On-Board Audio is on or not. Of course you need to know if your system has on-board audio AND if a sound card has been added separately. The system maker would be able to tell you that.
4 Ways To Fix Audio Services Not Responding Windows 10
Audio service not running/red "X" ; but, I have sound - Dell
On startup I get a red X by the taskbar speaker icon and when the point hovers over it, an error message that the audio service isn't running. But, I have sound. Click on the speaker icon and adjust volume and it goes away. 1 person had this problem.
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