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Audio and Video are Out of Sync - TiVo
Check physical connections: a. Check the audio inputs on the stereo or A/V receiver – check the HDMI or Component cables and make sure they are secured. b. If you are using an A/V receiver, both the audio and video should pass from the source (cable and/or satellite box) to the TiVo device, through the stereo or A/V receiver, and then to the TV. 2. Restart the DVR, TV, and A/V …
Audio and Video are Out of Sync - TiVo
Audio and Video are Out of Sync. 1. Check physical connections: a. Check the audio inputs on the stereo or A/V receiver – check the HDMI or Component cables and make sure they are secured. b. If you are using an A/V receiver, both the audio and video should pass from the source (cable and/or satellite box) to the TiVo device, through the ...
On a TiVo Roamio/Mini, select ‘Settings & Messages,’ select ‘Settings,’ then ‘Video,’ then ‘TV Aspect Ratio.’ † Check your TV’s owner’s manual for information about how it may be adding letterbox or side bars to the picture. THE AUDIO AND VIDEO ARE OUT OF SYNC. † The audio and video may re-sync if you change channels.
Audio and video streams out of sync in GraphEdit
The audio stream is from the SoundMAX Digital Audio card I have in my PC and the video comes from a modified push source filter that captures desktop screenshots. The video format is RGB_24 and the audio format is PCM. My graph is as follows: Video: Push Source -> Smart Tee -> AVI Mux -> File Writer Audio
DVD Audio Sync and DirectShow Codecs - Playback/Reading ...
I have audio sync problems on TiVo files that are re-encoded by MyDVD. Typically video lags audio by a fraction of a second (lips keep moving after talking stops). Some facts about the problem: 1. Is present in either standalone playback or .iso loaded in Disk Image Loader and played in PowerDVD. 2.
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