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Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a ...
Transforming Discipleship is a call to action for all church leaders seeking to honor and embody the Great Commission." (Sue Mallory, author of The Equipping Church: Serving Together to Transform Lives) "After reading Greg Ogden's new book, Transforming Discipleship, the reader is likely to exclaim, 'I can do that!' Greg has cut through the ...
The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches Are …
The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches Are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community. Audible Audiobook. – Unabridged. Paul Sparks (Author), Tim Soerens (Author), Dwight J. Friesen (Author), Jeremy Arthur (Narrator), …
Transforming Family Discipleship- Part 2 | AudioVerse
Transforming Family Discipleship- Part 1. Sung Hyun Um. 36m. Part 2 of 5. Transforming Family Discipleship- Part 2. Sung Hyun Um. 1h 19m. Part 3 of 5. Transforming Family Discipleship- Part 3. Sung Hyun Um. 35m. Part 4 of 5. Transforming Family Discipleship- Part 4. Sung Hyun Um. 1h 6m. Part 5 of 5.
Transforming Discipleship: Making Disciples a Few at a ...
Without question, Transforming Discipleship by Greg Ogden, is the best book I have read to date on the subject of making disciples. I picked up this book in preparation for a sermon series on discipleship and it radically changed and clarified so much of how I view the process of discipleship. The book is well researched and theologically sound.
For Japanese Pastor, Festival of Hope is 'A Present from …
Everyone has made the journey to Sapporo with the purpose of sharing the hope of Christ with the Japanese people. “Jesus Christ is real,” Franklin Graham told local reporters. “He is alive, and He’ll come into every heart that invites Him.” Swedish singer Lena Maria, Franklin Graham and gospel singer Alfie Silas
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