We have collected the most relevant information on Trinity Debate Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
The Great Trinity Debate (White vs Andalusi) | SermonAudio
Does the Bible teach the Trinity? James. White explains how the Bible has always taught monotheism, while simultaneously teaching that the persons of …
Trinity Debate Files Available | Henry Center
Audio of the Trinity Debate. The debate was intensive and rich. It is recommended that you use Hansen Fellow Andy Naselli’s excellent live-blog to follow along. These resources are free as always and available to be widely distributed on the web. The Center looks forward next year to a debate of similar weight and significance.
The Trinity Debate: Perkins vs White Audio
The Trinity Debate. Roger Perkins (Oneness) vs James White (Trinitarian) Proposed: Did the Son, as a self-conscious divine Person distinct …
Post Trinity Debate Radio Interview by Dan Mages on Audio ...
This radio interview/debate took place May 30, 2006 shortly after Trinity: Truth or Tragedy, Is Jesus YWHW, the one God of Israel debate by Dan Mages and Ed Enochs. It is a radio interview by Reformed Christian internet radio (unchainedradio) host Gene Cook.
Oneness vs. Trinity Debates - Apostolic Theological Seminary
David Bernard & James White - Oneness vs. Trinity .mp3 Doctrinal Debates. Sure, Apostolics are embarrassed by the video found below. We must learn from their mistakes not. to repeat them. ATS seminarians are prepared to debate. Nathaniel Urshan and Robert Sabin (Oneness) vs. Walter Martin and Calvin Beisner on the John Ankerburg Show. .
The Trinity, Part 1 | SermonAudio
James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a professor, having taught Greek, New Testament Textual Criticism, Church history, and various topics in the field of apologetics.
Oneness &Trinity Doctrinal Debate 11, Audio 600% - …
Oneness and Trinity, Volume Increased 600%
MP3 Debates and Apologetics Talks, William Lane Craig ...
Some audio debates, philosophical discussions, apologetics talks, and miscellaneous MP3 files I have found very interesting and helpful in understanding the Catholic and Christian faith. This page of audio are some of the better debates and Christian apologetics talks …
Trinity Radio — Evangelistic Apologetics
Trinity Radio exists to bring Christian theology, biblical studies and sound philosophical considerations to worldview issues and current events. If you're a Christian or a skeptic interested in how Christians respond to the cultural climate of the 21st century - …
Trinity Debate: Ware-Grudem vs. McCall-Yandell
Tonight I live-blogged a Trinity Debate between Bruce Ware and Wayne Grudem vs. Tom McCall and Keith Yandell on this question: “Do relations of authority and submission exist eternally among the Persons of the Godhead?”. During the Q&A, I asked a question from Phil Gons, who was watching the debate via live streaming and emailed me the question. I was …
Now you know Trinity Debate Audio
Now that you know Trinity Debate Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.