We have collected the most relevant information on Ubuntu 12.04 Disable Audio Device. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
12.04 - how to disable internal speaker audio - Ask Ubuntu
12.04 - how to disable internal speaker audio - Ask Ubuntu
Killing the pulse audio daemon would do it. You can do this by entering in command line "pactl exit" to turn off the pulse audio daemon and "pulseaudio" to turn pulseaudo on. This just turns it on and off. The man of pactl will give you a litte more information which might help man pact I found the link below useful.
Disable HDMI sound out, for decrease power ... - Ask …
I have Ubuntu 12.04 on my laptop I'm looking for a way to decrease power consumption. This is output of powertop command. Power est. Usage Events/s Category Description 1.30 W 100.0% Device Audio codec hwC0D0: Realtek. I googled a little and find this 100.0% usage related to digital output through HDMI port.
sound - Can't configure 5.1 audio with 12.04 - Ask Ubuntu
I connected the audio to the home theatre with S/PDIF. In XBMC, I set the output to optical, the output device to PulseAudio and the passthrough device to PulseAudio as well; And in 5.1 movies, it magically started playing in 5.1. Only one process can play sound at once but since I only use it for XBMC, it's not so bad.
No Sound on Ubuntu 12.04 - Ask Ubuntu
Check your BIOS and make sure that your onboard audio is set to Enabled. Not Auto or Disabled. Mine was on auto and nothing would make 12.04 see the device. Share Improve this answer answered Dec 14 '12 at 1:21 Bill Todd 11 1 Add a comment 1 This is what fixed it for me. Open terminal sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/modprobe.conf
How to configure 5.1 Audio system for Realtek ... - Ask …
1 Try installing the pulseaudio manager and changing the configuration of your soundcard to the desired value: sudo apt-get install pavucontrol If that's not working you might want to try and disable all other audio devices (onboard or graphic cards, since hdmi now includes sound, most graphic cards are now also registered as audio devices).
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