We have collected the most relevant information on Ubuntu 12.04 Mpd Pulseaudio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
sound - How to reinstall PulseAudio (Ubuntu 12.04) - Ask ...
How to reinstall PulseAudio (Ubuntu 12.04) Ask Question Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. Active 4 years, 3 months ago. Viewed 108k times 14 14. I was trying to fix my ... pulseaudio-dlna not working with mpd and ROCKI devices. 3. Dependenncy problem - Cannot reinstall PulseAudio. 0.
12.04 - How to install pulseaudio 5 on Ubuntu - Ask Ubuntu
Ubuntu 12.04 is a bit old to install PulseAudio 5, even 14.04 will ship PulseAudio 4, see the dedicated package page. If you really need the latest version, I would rely on the PulseAudio testing ppa, which provides a properly packaged version of PulseAudio 5 for 14.04:
sound - Ubuntu 12.04: Replacing pulseaudio with Alsa ...
It would be helpful to hear from somebody that tested the removing pulseaudio in Ubuntu 12.04. – Filbuntu. Jul 23 '12 at 4:59 | Show 4 more comments. 2 Answers Active Oldest Score. 2 This seems to work, though you must understand that it isn't replacing pulseaudio with alsa but just removing pulseaudio(the front-end). ...
sound - Can't Start PulseAudio Ubuntu 12.04 | Can't use ...
I have a Logitech 590 USB headset that I cannot get to work with Ubuntu 12.04. In my computer sound settings everything is absolutely blank. No options for inputs or outputs. I do have some regular speakers that work, and I can actually hear through the headset when I use Skype.
12.04 - How do I fix this PulseAudio server ... - Ask Ubuntu
On my Ubuntu 12.04, the audio server encounters occasional crashes, so that I'm forced to reboot the system in order to have it play audio. Alsamixer looks ok, nothing is muted. Moreover, I tried . sudo pkill -9 pulseaudio and then: pulseaudio -D which gave me. E: [pulseaudio] main.c: Daemon startup failed. Can you help me understand what's wrong?
sound - MPD with pulseaudio - Ask Ubuntu
Unfortunately, MPD does not show under the applications that are producing audio under Gnome audio settings, and hence it ignores my directive to use the bluetooth speaker. I think this is because MPD is using Alsa instead of Pulseaudio. Now, in my mpd.conf I have the lines. audio_output { type "pulse" name "MPD" # server "localhost" }
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