We have collected the most relevant information on Ubuntu Amarok The Audio Playback Device Does Not Work. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How to fix sound issues on Ubuntu 18.04 - net2
[ubuntu] amarok won't play music [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums
I am having a similar problem. No mp3's will play in either amarok or exaile. rhythmbox works just fine though. EDIT: In amarok I get the exact same message: "The audio playback device HDA Nvidia (ALC1200 Analog) does not work, falling back to default
Amarok - no sound and does not play • KDE Community Forums
Amarok shows xine is being used as the backend I have apt-get removed the xine-ui and libxine1-ffmpeg. I was getting it to play correctly in Amarok but I then could not get sound from anything else like my browser. Once I rebooted I am not getting sound from Amarok or my browser still but I do get sound when I test the sound devices in Amarok.
multimedia - How do I play audio CDs in Kubuntu? - Ask …
Audio CDs play fine in Ubuntu 11.10 but in Kubuntu 11.10, even with AmaroK 2.5, audio CDs appear as playback devices and can also be ripped but I cannot play the CDs directly. AmaroK shows the CD tracks but trying to play them after adding them to the playlist does nothing. In Bangarang, CD tracks don't show up at all.
sound - PulseAudio not detecting any devices - Ask Ubuntu
Power on your laptop and login. Open any audio player and play a song or something. You'll not hear any sound, and if you press your volume keys, you'd still see the "Dummy" control output. Go to Sound settings: Settings > Sound. In the output section, you'll see "Dummy" selected as default output.
Amarok 2 under Ubuntu - My GNU/Linux
If your sound works in the rest of the applications under Ubuntu, doing that should allow you to playback music files with Amarok just fine. Regarding adding music files to the library from other partitions, if these partitions are mounted, then you shouldn’t normally have any problem adding those partitions to Amarok’s library.
How to fix sound issues on Ubuntu 18.04 - net2
Open up the Activities overview screen and type in ‘Sound’. Next click on the Sound icon to open the panel. On the Output tab, select a device and modify the Profile settings. Now try to play a sound to check if it operates properly. If this is not successful, try to select another device and change the profile.
How to Fix the No Sound Issue in Ubuntu - Make Tech …
When experiencing sound issues on your Ubuntu machine, you first need to is check out your headphones and speakers for connection problems. It could be that a audio cable is connected to the wrong port or not connected at all. If you’re using a Bluetooth device, check to see if it’s paired correctly.
Why does aplay work when pulseaudio is running and …
- Ask Ubuntu - apparently earlier versions allowed choice of a backend, via "Device" dropdown: old.png, but newer don't: new.png; and so without pulseaudio, they will always fail with "Waiting for sound system to respond"). However, NOW when I run the aplay command - …
Sound not working in Ubuntu 14.04 - Ask Ubuntu
Initially it was working fine and suddenly it stopped working. After installing AMAROK audio player. This is about the ALSAMIXER. Looking for help ? Thanks in advance. sound 14.04. ... you should see all of your devices. – Micheal Shallop. May 19 '14 at 20:21. 1. ... Sound not working in Ubuntu 14.04LTS after upgrading from 13.10. 0.
Sound - Ubuntu Wiki
Primary sound output. Phones have only one hardware volume rocker. And for simplicity, prominent software UI for volume (such as the sound menu) also has a single slider.So Ubuntu needs to decide, at any time, exactly what these elements control the volume of (bug 1336536).This should be handled by two elements: the primary sound output device, and the …
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