We have collected the most relevant information on Ubuntu Xf86audiomute. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Lenovo volume and brightness keys not working ... - Ask …
They worked fine in Ubuntu 17.04 and 17.10, but nothing happens in Ubuntu 18.04. Running xev I can see the key presses are being interpreted correctly. I see XF86AudioMute, XF86AudioRaiseVolume, XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86MonBrightnessDown, and XF86MonBrightnessUp key press and key release events. But the volume doesn't go up or …
11.10 - How do I toggle sound with amixer? - Ask Ubuntu
Create a second chanel status file with amixer scontents > ~/after. Toggle sound again with amixer set Master toggle which is supposed to turn the volume back to the level before the first toggle command. Create a third file with amixer scontents > ~/afterafter. Now you have three files telling you which tell you the status of the sound chanels ...
Ubuntu – How to remap Fn key combinations (Lenovo G500 ...
Using xev I was able to see what X sees when F1-F12 are pressed. Some send separate keycodes, but some are somehow mapped to key combinations or other unknown things: F1 – XF86AudioMute F2 – XF86AudioVolumeLower F3 – XF86AudioVolumeRaise F4 – …
KubuntuLaptopKeycodes - Ubuntu Wiki
then I could set up the keycodes in X with xmodmap to ifup/ifdown the wlan. keycode 182 = XF86User1KB keycode 183 = XF86User2KB Would be nice if these buttons could be used "out of the box". Although perhaps to leave it to the user in kde as to how they manage the actual buttons Dell Inspiron 6400 Notes:
XF86AudioMute 4. Double click on XF86AudioMute, a little window will pop up. 5. Make sure the Hotkey is set to XF86AudioMute input in the command line: amixer -D pulse set Master 3+ toggle 6. Click on the Check symbol to confirm your changes. 7. Repeat the same actions for XF86AudioLowerVolume
LUBUNTU – Everything is a Miracle
XF86AudioMute 4. Double click on XF86AudioMute, a little window will pop up. 5. Make sure the Hotkey is set to XF86AudioMute input in the command line: amixer -D pulse set Master 3+ toggle 6. Click on the Check symbol to confirm your changes. 7. Repeat the same actions for XF86AudioLowerVolume
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