We have collected the most relevant information on Unbalanced Audio Over Cat5. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio over Cat5/5e/6 cables | AVS Forum
Audio over CAT5 Extenders - Crestron Electronics
CAT5 audio balanced extension output; Connects to the companion receiver AUDIO IN port[1] AUDIO IN CH1 (AUD-EXT-100 & 201 only): (1) pair RCA female; Unbalanced stereo line-level audio input; Input Impedance: 10k Ohms; Maximum Output Level: 2 Vrms AUDIO IN CH1 – CH2 (AUD-EXT-200 only): (2) pairs RCA female; Unbalanced stereo line-level audio inputs;
Where to Buy Audio Over CAT5 Extenders | Markertek
Item# MUX-500028-2PK. The Stereo Hi-Fi Balun allows unbalanced linelevel stereo analogue audio to be transmittedvia Category 5 unshielded copper twisted pair (UTP) in a point-to-point connection. Theproduct is designed for audio applicationswhere full-range, hi-fidelity audio frequencyresponse is required.
AUD-EXT-200 | Audio over CAT5 Extender for Two Unbalanced ...
AUD-EXT series is a family of low-cost audio extenders designed for transporting analog and digital audio signals over several hundred feet using inexpensive CAT5 (or better) UTP cable. Four different AUD-EXT models are available, each consists of one transmitter and one receiver. Audio extenders are ideal for use with a Sonnex® multiroom audio system to provide one or more …
Audio over Cat5/5e/6 cables | AVS Forum
If the audio is balanced then cat 5/6 will be fine. Unbalanced audio should use a shielded cable. E ENiGmA1987 Registered Joined Feb 23, 2009 302 Posts #4 · Aug 21, 2009 At my old job we had Cat5e run all over the place for both audio and video. It works fine and is way cheaper to implement on the distances we were using.
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