We have collected the most relevant information on Unity Two Audio Listeners. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
My error console says that I have 2 Audio Listeners. – Unity
My error console says that I have 2 Audio Listeners. You are creating a scene in Unity. You have the following components included in your scene: When you test your game in Playmode you receive the following error in your console window in the bottom left of the Editor: Audio Listeners are the ears of your player and is a component found on each Camera featured in the scene.
Two audio listeners warning - Unity Forum
24. I add two cameras into a scene.As each audio listener has a audio listener.So, I add two audio listeners in the scene.The Unity IDE console always gives me the following warnings: "There are 2 audio listeners in the scene. Please ensure there is always exactly one audio listener in the scene. ".
There are 2 audio listeners in the ... - answers.unity.com
It means that you have two audio listeners, probably one on each camera. You can only have one audio listener active at any one time. Either you have to enable/disable them as you switch between the cameras or remove one of them. You can find both audio listeners by typing in AudioListener in the search field above the heirarchy tree view.
unity3d - How can I use two Audio Listeners? - Stack …
For testing I disabled both Audio Listeners on the player camera and the main camera and created a new empty gameobject and added to it a new audio listener. Now when running the game I hear the character walking through the door I hear the door open and close but when moving the player through a door I don't hear the door open/close.
UnityでThere are 2 audio listeners in the scene ... - Qiita
Unity 2018.2.11f1 personal. 経緯. UnityでVRゲームを作っているとき、ゲームを再生したら、以下のようなエラーが表示されました。 There are 2 audio listeners in the scene. Please ensure there is always exactly one audio listener in the scene.
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