We have collected the most relevant information on Unity3d Play Audio Delay. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
How to play audio in Unity (with examples ... - Game Dev ...
Scripting API: AudioSource.PlayDelayed - Unity
Description. Plays the clip with a delay specified in seconds. Users are advised to use this function instead of the old Play (delay) function that took a delay specified in samples relative to a reference rate of 44.1 kHz as an argument. Note: This function replaces the Play (delay) function when called with the delay-argument.
Audio - Sound is played with a delay. - Unity Forum
set the sound in a game object with the audio soucre and the option play on awake: GameObject Sound; When you want to play the sound write this code Sound.active = true; or if you goes to use the sound often you can make this to spawn Instantiate(Sound, Vector3, Quaternion); to destroy the Game Object;
unity3d - Audio delay in unity (windows) - Stack Overflow
Audio delay in unity (windows) Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago. Active 1 year, 11 months ago. Viewed 412 times 1 I have an issue when using audio files in unity (to windows platform) with the AudioSource + AudioClip classes, when telling the AudioSource to start play the sound it takes a lot of time until it actually starts (sometimes ...
Scripting API: AudioSource.Play - Unity
Description. Plays the clip. The delay parameter is deprecated, please use the newer AudioSource.PlayDelayed function instead which specifies the delay in seconds. If AudioSource.clip is set to the same clip that is playing then the clip will sound like it is re-started. AudioSource will assume any Play call will have a new audio clip to play. Note: The …
Play Audio After Certain Timer in Unity 3D - YouTube
In this video we will learn how to delay an audio playing in Unity 3D.
How do I delay an audio clip in Unity? - Stack Overflow
Replace if (audioSource == null) yield break; yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay); audioSource.Play(); with if (audioSource == null){ Debug.Log("Null"); yield break;}else{ Debug.Log("Not Null"); yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay); audioSource.Play();} then let me know what it says in the console tab.
How to play audio in Unity (with examples ... - Game Dev ...
The first, Play Delayed, takes a delay in seconds and is the simplest method for delaying an Audio Clip. public class PlayAudio : MonoBehaviour { public AudioSource audioSource; public float delay=4; void Start () { // Plays an Audio Clip after 4 seconds audioSource.PlayDelayed (delay); } }
Fix sound delay - Unity Answers
What you could do is Project Setting > Audio > DSP Buffer Size > set it to Best Latency (small buffer size). As of today with this settings, it make a glitched sound on Windows build while on macOS, Android, iOS is completely fine. You might want to have larger buffer size on Windows. (at the expense of more latency)
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