We have collected the most relevant information on Universal Audio 1108. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Universal Audio 1108 Pre Amp Spec Sheet - Dan …
Universal Audio 1108 Pre Amp Spec Sheet. Skills. pre amp, UA 1108, Universal Audio. Posted on. March 1, 2018. ← Universal Audio 1108 Pre Amp Connections Universal Audio 1108 Solid State Amp →.
Universal Audio 1108 Pre Amp Connections - Dan …
Universal Audio 1108 Pre Amp Connections. Skills. pre amp, UA 1108, Universal Audio. Posted on. March 1, 2018
Universal Audio United Recording UREI 1108 Mic Pre …
INVENTORY #36988. BRAND: Universal Audio/ UREI MODEL: 1108 FUNCTION: Dual Mic Pre/DI PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This listing is for an extremely rare vintage Universal Audio/ United Recording Electronics Industries (UREI) 1108 Dual Mic Preamp/DI pair. These are original console mic preamp modules that were rack-mounted by Dan Alexander Audio.
UREI 1108 Vintage Mic Pre Amp Pair circa 1970's Wally ...
1 UREI 1108 mic preamp w/chassis from Wally Heiders mobile rig circa 70s serial number 9371 UREI 1108 mic preamp w/chassis from Wally Heiders mobile rig circa 70s serial number 774They do not have power supply or input/output connectors. Wiring is open ended. Schematic of the design will be inclu...
Universal Audio 1108 Pre-Amp
Re: Universal Audio 1108 Pre-Amp « Reply #8 on: February 20, 2007, 09:49:25 AM » I bought some 1108 cards on eBay about 5 years ago. $50/ea, if I remember correctly.
Bret Averill Universal Audio (UREI) 1108 - Gearspace.com
They are real 1108 cards with "Universal Audio" tags, not UREI, so they were made before Mr. Putnam changed the name of the company. The DYMO lables on mine indicate they were from channels 16 and 17 of whatever desk they came out of...
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