We have collected the most relevant information on Universal Audio Dual 1176. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Model 2-1176 Dual 1176LN Limiting Amplifier - Universal Audio
Model 2-1176 Dual 1176LN Limiting Amplifier Universal Audio Part Number 65-00047 Universal Audio, Inc. Customer Service & Tech Support: 1-877-MY-AUDIO Business, Sales & Marketing: 1-866-440-1176 www.uaudio.com
Universal Audio 2-1176 Dual Limiting Amplifier
The original 1176 compressor was designed by Bill Putnam back in 1966. Nowadays, Universal Audio has issued a new take on this classic device, while keeping the tradition and the sound so dear to generations of sound engineers. The 2-1176 provides a true stereo version of the 1176LN—one which retains all the features and trademark sound of its ancestor, but with fully …
Universal Audio 2-1176 Dual Limiting Amplifier ...
The original 1176 compressor was designed by Bill Putnam back in 1966. Nowadays, Universal Audio has issued a new take on this classic device, while keeping the tradition and the sound so dear to generations of sound engineers. The 2-1176 provides a true stereo version of the 1176LN—one which ret...
Universal Audio 2-1176 Stereo Limiter | Reverb
The 2-1176 was briefly issued in the early 2000s, and is a stereo version of the 1176LN in a 2U enclosure. Though the audio circuitry remains the same as the reissue 1176LN from the same period, rotary switches replace push buttons for ratio and meter selection, and metering options are limited and the meters are notably smaller.
Universal Audio 2-1176 Dual Limiting Amplifier
The 2-1176 Dual Limiting Amplifier is a 2-channel version of Universal Audio’s ’60s-era 1176 and uses the same FETs (for gain control elements) and output transformers. The new unit employs metal-film resistors, which produce a lower noise floor than the carbon-film resistors used in the vintage 1176.
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