We have collected the most relevant information on Universal Audio La 610 Gearslutz. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
LA-610 MkII Classic Tube Recording Channel - User …
I recently took advantage of Universal Audio's "buy an LA-610 and get a free UAD-2 DUO card!" promotion. I've used their plugins for years and absolutely love them. I had also recently rented a 6176 for a session, and I decided my next purchase would be a 610 channel strip. I figured the promotion was too good to pass up. Pros: 1. GAIN!
Universal Audio LA 610 Tube Pre-Amp/Compressor - User ...
The LA-610 is a vintage vibe dream. To start it off, it just looks vintage, gorgeous silver face with super cool looking huge black knobs. It makes any vocal you throw at it sound amazing. The vocals acquire a huge personality. The drawback to that is that if you want an uncolored tone this unit may not be for you.
Universal Audio LA-610 vs. Solo 610 ... is it worth the ...
Hello TGP, Between the Solo 610 (pre-amp, brick style) and the LA-610 (610 pre + compressor channel strip) is there enough benefit with the compressor to justify the price difference (about 5-600 more). My recording device has a "decent" compressor, so I'm mainly interested in the tonal qualities of the 610 pre, but if the compressor on the LA-610 channel …
LA-610 MkII | Tube Channel Strip | Universal Audio
The LA-610 MkII combines a hand-built in the USA, all-tube, vintage mic preamp design — heard on classic albums by Coldplay, The Beach Boys, and Van Halen — with authentic Teletronix T4 opto-compression circuitry. This classic channel strip design, with its warm preamp tone and smooth, natural-sounding compression, is updated with modern, user-requested …
2-610 | Dual Channel Tube Preamplifier | Universal Audio
Dual-channel tube preamp based on the legendary UA 610 modular console. Designed by Bill Putnam Sr., the UA 610 modular console is arguably the “Holy Grail” of vintage tube desks. Leaving its imprint on countless classic recordings from Ray Charles and Frank Sinatra, to iconic titles like Van Halen and the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds, the 610’s tube-powered …
(PDF) ICOPH_2017_Conference_Proceedings_Second …
ICOPH_2017_Conference_Proceedings_Second Issue.pdf
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610 RUB k [22] 610: 659: Laporan Hasil Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) : Peneningkatan Prestasi Belajar Tajwid Peserta Didik Mata Pelajaran Qur-an Hadist Materi Hukum Bacaan Lam Dan Ra Melalui Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Inquiry Learning Di Kelas VIII-7 Semester Genap MTsN 5 Pidie Kabupaten Pidie Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017/ Wardiana: Wardiana
ua 6176 gearslutz | Universal Audio 6176 - Gearspace.com
The Universal Audio 6176 combines two pro-audio legends – the 610 mic/line tube preamp and the 1176LN solid-state compressor/limiter – to create what many consider the ultimate channel strip. The preamp section is packed with features, such as mic, line, and hi-Z inputs; two bands of shelving EQ; and a 15dB pad.
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