We have collected the most relevant information on Unreal Audio Component. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio Components | Unreal Engine Documentation
UAudioComponent | Unreal Engine Documentation
AudioComponent is used to play a Sound
Audio Components | Unreal Engine Documentation
Audio Component. The AudioComponent allows you to add a Sound Wave or Sound Cue as a sub-object to an Actor, providing a sound source. For example, say you wanted a particle effect that resembles a fire in your level. While the particle effect alone can be used to convey the visuals of a fire, by adding an AudioComponent as a sub-Actor to it ...
UAudioComponent::FadeIn | Unreal Engine Documentation
float FadeInDuration, float FadeVolumeLevel, float StartTime, const EAudioFaderCurve FadeCurve. ) Remarks. This can be used in place of "play" when it is desired to fade in the sound over time. If FadeTime is 0.0, the change in volume is instant. If FadeTime is > 0.0, the multiplier will be increased from 0 to FadeVolumeLevel over FadeIn seconds.
Audio | Unreal Engine Documentation
Audio | Unreal Engine Documentation ... Audio
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